He snapped the water off.

"Look at me", he said.

She hesitated, continuing to stare into the sink.

He gently grabbed her shoulders, turned her to face him, and repeated, "Look at me".

She did. Her eyes were red. She looked hurt and angry.

"What happened?", he asked.

"I don't want to talk about it", she said.

"Can you tell me who is involved in the thing that you don't want to talk about?"

She pressed her lips together and tears welled back up in her eyes. She looked down as a tear rolled down her cheek. He wiped it away with his thumb, and she pulled away from his touch.

She's upset with me.

He had no idea why.

"Have I done something?", he asked. She backed up and turned away from him, and he let her go.

"Love, that's not fair. I can't defend my position, or fix what I've done, if I'm in the dark".

She walked into the living room and sat heavily on the couch. She grabbed a tissue and blew her nose. He noticed several others on the floor already. He sat next to her and patiently waited.

She calmed down then started with a wavering voice.  "I'm glad to see you're okay. You're not hurt, are you?" 

She met his eyes.

"No love, I'm fine, but clearly you're not. I want to know why.  Two days ago we were good, and somehow between then and now, I've pissed you off".

He waited.

"We weren't good", she finally said. "How can we be?  None of this makes sense.  We're sneaking around behind Brad's back, flirting, skirting around cheating.  I'm losing my mind over a crush, and for what?  So you can sleep with me and move on? And then I've ruined Brad's life in the process?"

Tears started dripping again and she wasn't looking at him.

"Brad's been weird. I'm basically on house arrest, and oh, I also decided to dredge up some memories of my miscarriage this weekend because I wasn't already feeling bad enough", she spewed bitterly.

His heart twisted miserably. She was suffering with a lot of things he had no idea about, but it hurt him that she thought he would treat her as a conquest to be had and discarded.  He wasn't sure how to convince her otherwise but he needed to try.  That bit was hurting her unnecessarily.


She blew her nose.

"You don't need to look at me but I need you to listen", he said quietly.  "Are you listening?"

She nodded, staring at the tissue in her hands.

"How many times have I kissed you on the mouth?"

"Once", she said shakily.

"How many times on the forehead?"

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