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Mira woke up from the sounds of loud hammering. With still heavy eyelids, she rolled to her bedside for her phone and saw it was only six in the morning.

Frowning, Mira sat up while rubbing her eyes.

Last night she fell asleep the moment her body met her bed. After that small neighbor fiasco, she put aside her luggage and went straight to the bed room.


"What the heck?" Mira mumbled, slightly irritated by the noise.

She gingerly stood up and went out of the room. Deciding to wash her face first before going out, the girl walked to the bathroom.

Mira grabbed a windbreaker jacket as she went out of the house. She looked around and saw the girl from last night, her neighbor, annoyingly hammering her door knob. She deeply frowned and couldn't believe what the girl was doing.

'What was her name again? Yah something, Leah?' Mira thought. She grabbed her phone and scrolled up from the messages with her landlord and saw the message from yesterday. The landlord was asking a favor to fix the door knob for Aliyah in unit 0108, the neighbor.

"Her name's Aliyah pala, ung sira ang doorknob." She put her phone in her pocket and went inside the house again. Mira grabbed her stuff and searched for a toolbox. The girl knows basic knowledge in fixing things like door knobs. It was also why the landlord asked for such a favor, with compensation of course.

Toolbox on hand, Mira went out of the house and called out her neighbor.

"Excuse me miss. Aliyah?"

Aliyah stopped whatever it is that she was doing and looked at Mira, surprised. "You're that girl."

Mira dryly forced a smile, "I am. I'll fix your door knob." When it was six in the morning and someone was making cruelling noises outside while she was peacefully sleeping, her annoyance was valid.

"You don't have to fix my door and wait, how did you know my name?"

"Landlord." Mira tersely replied.

Aliyah pursed her lips and raised her brows. "Well, you don't have to fix my doorknob." she said with an edge. Clearly sensing Mira's bad mood.

Mira sighed and grabbed the hammer from Aliyah. She put down her tool box then started doing her thing without saying anything to the girl.

"What the, sabi ko wag na." Aliyah tried grabbing back the hammer but Mira put it away from her.

"Ang ingay mo kanina, it's six am. Gagawin ko na kesa may magising pang ibang tenant."

"Kaya ko naman gawin." Aliyah stubbornly said.

"Kaya mong sirain lalo?" Mira raised an eyebrow at her.

The girl from unit 0108 couldn't say anything because to be honest she didn't know what she was doing earlier. Mira got back in fixing the knob while Aliyah can't do anything but let her fix it.

"Thanks." Aliyah said quietly and went back inside her unit. Mira just let her.

Inside Aliyah's house, the girl was slightly in a bad mood because of the new tenant's way earlier.

'Why is she so rude. Ang sungit-sungit, samoka.' she thought.

She sighed and tried to calm herself. "It's so early to be in a bad mood, Aliyah." she said.

'Just smile and be nice. Smile and be nice.' She thought repeatedly. Aliyah then started preparing breakfast in the kitchen. As well as adding another coffee for the girl outside. "Hope she likes coffee." She whispered to herself.

When Mira was finally done, She stood up and stretched a little. Right in time, Aliyah walked up to her with a coffee mug in hand and wallet on another.

"Thank you, nag co-coffee ka ba? Eto oh and bayaran narin kita." Aliyah extended the coffee to her.

Mira wanted to say no but smelling the coffee aroma made her stomach growl. She hasn't eaten anything since last night.

"Wait, ano nga pala name mo? Kagabi ko pa tinatanong." Aliyah looked at her curiously.

"Mira. Thank you but wag mo na ako bayaran."

"Ah, Mira. Pretty name." the neighbor gave a small smile. "Coffee?" she said again, her arms still extended to Mira.

Mira grabbed it reluctantly, "Thank you."

"Sure kang hindi kita babayaran?"

"Yes. Thanks for the coffee, I'll return the mug later." She grabbed her tool box with one hand and turned away. When she was about to enter her unit, she heard Aliyah say "Good morning pala!" 

"Good morning." She mumbled and went inside.

Aliyah gave a small pout, "Sungit talaga." She looked at her new door knob and smiled. "Finally fixed!"

[A/N: Sana tama yung paggamit ko ng bisaya word dito HAHA nalaman ko lang yon sa kumu live ni aiah ksksks
Happy New Year!!! More blessings to come! 😊🎉]

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