Chapter 14

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Antonio was making breakfast while Lovino was still lying in the bed, in the foulest mood in the history of forever.


Lovino was starting to find getting out of bed in the morning a daunting task. And not only that. Even eating and drinking were slowly becoming more and more challenging to him. And the pain killers didn't seem to be that effective anymore. They still worked for the attacks, but they didn't seem to be able to get rid of Lovino's newest symptom, which happened to be a dull background pain in his chest. Lovino turned in bed. It was probably the liver metastasis. They were spreading really fast, according to the doctor. They were making his life a living hell, according to Lovino. But he couldn't do shit against them. He could just wait for them to be the size of ping-pong balls. And kill him.

Oh joy.

"Lovino? Breakfast is ready! Come down!"

Lovino groaned very loudly. Just thinking of eating made his stomach churn. But he had no choice. He had to get out of bed, or Antonio would come up to check on him. And since Lovino was now busy with gathering the strength to just sit up on the blasted bed, he preferred to do it alone.

Maybe today he could sleep in. Just for today. He could tell Antonio that he had a fever or shit. Why not.

"Lovinooooo! Breakfast!"

Lovino cursed. No, better not playing the sick card. He'd have to use it for later, for when he was too much of a walking corpse to pretend everything was fine.

As he dragged himself down for breakfast, he thought about the future. Would every single day feel like this from now on?

"Good mor... JESUS CHRIST!"

Lovino's head shot up. What now?

Antonio ran to him, a concerned look in his eyes. "Lovino! You look like you're on the brink of death! Are you okay?"

Lovino blushed as Antonio put a hand to his forehead.

"What the hell, bastard, I'm fine, just let me..."

"Don't even try. You look like shit and you're burning up! Here, sit down, I'll get a thermometer."

Lovino's eyes widened. He was burning up? As Antonio went to fetch a thermometer, Lovino felt his own forehead.

Shit, it was actually true. He had a fever. How come he hadn't noticed...?

Was it the morphine? Maybe it had dulled the feeling of the fever.

Oh well. Actually, this was good news. If he had a fever, he could call in sick at his job and just go back to bed and stay there for an entire day. He wouldn't have to eat anything, and he could have the house all to himself for a day.


Antonio came downstairs with the thermometer in hand. Honestly, Lovino looked really bad. He was pale, his hair was messy, his eyes were dull and... he looked thin. Very thin.

Antonio knew that Lovino was now cycling everywhere, so it was normal that he would lose some weight. But now things were just getting out of hand. He was eating too little at breakfast, and he wasn't completely sure if he had lunch and dinner.

A Tale of Endurance- SpamanoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora