Chapter 8

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Credit: kyootnes

Lovino woke up feeling like a boneless blob. He turned around to see if Antonio was still in bed or if he had gotten up already. But of course he hadn't. He was still sleeping and snoring like a motherfucking tractor by his side.

Lovino looked away from him. Last night had been...


There was no other way to describe it. It was probably the best night they'd had in months. And the nights they had before were something, so that made Lovino feel really good about it.

But Lovino's feel-good moment was short lived. He felt the onset of a new attack. The one that had made him go for a run in his pajamas.

He ran to the bathroom as fast as he could without waking Antonio in the process. He spent the next hour or so bent in two by the toilet, unable to even get up and grab his motherfucking pills.

Damn it. He'd have to find a new hiding place. Possibly not so high up and easily reachable. Anything would do. Just anything.

As he was clutching his stomach in hope to just die then, Lovino heard Antonio knock at the door.

"Lovi?" he yawned and then asked sleepily "Lovi, open up, I need the bathroom..."

DAMN DAMN DAMN SHIT AND FUCK were the only words running through Lovino's mind. He took a few deep breaths and steadied his voice before answering "I'm coming, i'm coming. Gimme five minutes."

Antonio yawned again. "Seriously Lovi, why do you keep locking the door when you go to the bathroom. As if I don't see you naked already."

Lovino silently thanked God for his habit, because if he never locked the door, he would have looked suspicious as hell now.

"That's never gonna change. Accept it." Then he got up, reached for his pills, swallowed two, hid them again and opened the door. Luckily, Lovino was always in a foul mood in the morning, so Antonio did not question his tight expression.

Antonio gave him a good morning kiss. "Morning, Lovi."

Lovino really wanted to reciprocate the gesture, but he really needed a place to lie in while waiting for the pain killers to kick in. He just gave Antonio a peck on the lips before going back to bed. Luckily, this morning things were smooth. Lovino should start looking for a way to avoid the morning attacks, or sooner or later he was going to be discovered. Maybe he could take his pills in the dead of the night. Or something.

It was Lovino's day off, and with Antonio gone he had the whole house for himself. But while before he was glad to just laze around on his couch, now he felt like he was wasting his precious time. He would have to do something. Anything.

As he sat up on the couch, he thought about Belle. It had been two weeks since they last saw each other. Why not seeing each other now? After all, it was Belle's day off too. Maybe they could hang out together...


Belle was in the middle of watching a stupid movie when her cell phone rang. Seeing that it was Lovino, she happily answered.

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