Chapter 11

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"Lovi? Lovi, just what are you doing in that bathroom! Belle's gonna show up any moment!"

Lovino cursed. Shit. He knew they were gonna be late, but he had had an unexpected attack of back and stomachache. He had had to run to the bathroom, swallow his goddamned pills and sit on the toilet hugging his legs to his chest until they finally started to kick in.

Goddamnit. The attacks were getting more frequent and more painful. He would have to go to the doctor again, and ask him for something stronger. Vicodin didn't seem to cut it anymore.

But for the weekend, he had to resist. This was going to be the last vacation of his life. Well, more like week-end, but still. It had to be perfect. It had to be beautiful. So he summoned all of his strength before speaking.

"I know, I'm done, gimme five minutes! Is Belle there yet?"

"No, but... oh shit, she's here! Get out of that bathroom, will you!"

Lovino took a lot of deep breaths through his teeth. Finally the drugs were starting to work! He got up and out of the bathroom, got his suitcase, hid a whole fucking stash of pills in it (he really hoped that no one would find them out, or he would have looked like a junky or a goddamn drug dealer or something) and dashed downstairs.

"Schatje! Finally! Honestly, you're worse than a girl when it comes to the bathroom!"
Lovino scoffed. "What-evah, Bells. I, unlike other men, take pride in my appearance."

Antonio looked at his watch and said "Well kids, if we don't want to be late, we have to go NOW. Leave your stupid quarrels for later, will you."

Antonio and Belle were chatting happily during the ride to the train station. Lovino was sitting in the backseat, and took some time to watch their interactions. They seemed normal, like two people that liked each other enough to spend a car ride together. Lovino was glad about it. He really wanted those two to get along. Seeing that what had happened between Lovino and Belle was as good as dead and buried by now, he wanted Antonio and Belle to be good friends again.

Antonio had always known Belle. In fact, he knew her far longer than Lovino. It was Antonio that had introduced the two of them back in high school. Back then, Lovino was still just an immature kid, and when he saw Belle, he developed the biggest crush on her in a matter of days. And since she seemed to find him very cute, they had started going out.

He couldn't remember Antonio's reaction. He knew for a fact that Antonio had not told Belle how he felt about Lovino, and Lovino had no idea that Antonio was actually in love with him.

Lovino didn't like to think that he had broken the poor Spaniard's heart. But it didn't matter anymore now. They were together, and surely he and Belle could be good friends again when he was gone.


He suddenly felt his cheek being poked.

"Hey! What's your problem!"

Oh. it had been Antonio. Obviously, since Belle was driving.

"Querido, we're at the station. You have to get out of the car."

Lovino looked out of the window. Shit, he really had been on another planet not to notice that they were already there!

"Oh... oh! Gimme a minute!"

A Tale of Endurance- SpamanoWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu