Chapter 3

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Yes yes- I know- you understood- Ya lnow what I'm gonna say so- just read pacefully and sorry-

Antonio tried to call Lovino for the upteenth time. He had looked really strange, as if he was on the verge of tears, and then he had left to go buy eggs.

Five hours ago.

God only knew why buying a dozen eggs could take so long. And he wasn't even answering his mobile phone. He had it switched off. Which was strange, since Lovino was always very aware of his mobile phone. And had never gone five whole hours without checking it, ever. Antonio was on the verge of calling the police when he heard the keys turn into the door. He leapt off the couch and went to the door, with a relieved smile and the intention of hugging the hell out of his cute Lovino. Which he did. He wasted no time in tackling Lovino in a bear hug.

"Lovi, lovely Lovi, did you go to Alaska to buy those eggs?"

His lovely Lovi blushed (Soooo cute! Like a tomato!) and said "What eggs, bastard?"

Antonio frowned. He broke the hug and looked at Lovino in the eyes as he said "Lovi? You stormed out of here saying you were off to buy eggs!"

Lovino made the face of a guy who suddenly realizes a big mistake. "Eh? ...Oh! Yeah! Uhm... I didn't feel like eggs anymore because... well... goddammit... I don't really like 'em, and I'm kinda allergic to those anyway... uhm..."

Antonio got a worried look in his eyes. "Lovi? Are you sure you are completely alright...?"

Lovino shook his head. Then said "Uhm, actually... I kind of have... you know... uhm..."

Antonio chuckled. Lovino was getting embarassed! How cuuuute! "As much as I love you, mi querido, I can't figure out what you're trying to say."

Lovino got the fiercest blush possible to a human before saying "Uhm, I b-bought this for... well, not for you, because you're a bastard, but I have bought one by mistake, and so, uhm, here it is. There. For you." that said, Lovino handed him a bunch of deep red carnations.

Antonio was seriously not understanding what was going on. Lovino had bought him flowers! And red carnations no less, the national flowers of his home country, Spain! Seriously, he was torn between squealing in delight and asking "who are you and what have you done to Lovino."

But since Lovino got flustered so very easily and he rarely did something so... well... cute, he decided to show his appreciation of that sweet, cute, adorable act and go with the first option.

"Wow! Lovi, thank you! They're wonderful! But may I ask, what's the occasion? My birthday was two months ago..."

Lovino looked at the ground, fierce blush still in place, before stuttering "There's no... really, no occasion... I just... uhm... it's just because... well, I kind of not hate you, so I thought... but if you don't like them..."

Antonio laughed and hugged his lovely Lovi close before answering "Thank you, love. I don't hate you too! In fact, I love your gift! You're such a darling, Lovi!"

Lovi broke the hug and ruefully stomped over to the kitchen. "Whatever, bastard. You better feel like having paella, cause I... uhm... I'm not in the mood for anything else tonight."

Antonio practically squealed like a schoolgirl and glomped Lovino again. "Paella, querido? That's just peachy!"

Lovino winced. "Yeah, sure, whatever." then added under his breath "...peachy... I ask you..."

Antonio simply smiled and joined Lovino in the kitchen. It was very rare for his beloved Italian to be in such a mood, and he was damn well going to enjoy it for as long as it lasted.


As Lovino washed the dishes, he couldn't help but let his mind wander. Maybe he had kind of gone overboard with Antonio, what with buying him flowers and cooking his favourite meal. But how could he not? He had always known that he wasn't the easiest person to get along with, and he had always been kind of... well... downright mean to Antonio so many times, and mostly for stupid reasons. Now that he thought about it, he had been a real dick to him. Most of his outbursts were really uncalled for, and even though Antonio never said anything about it, he knew somewhere in the back of his mind that maybe, just maybe, Antonio would have liked Lovino to be a bit more... manageable. And now that he was not going to have much time ahead of him, he had to make Antonio feel loved. He had to make him realize how much he loved and cared for him. He had to enjoy every single second of their life together.




With that thought, Lovino went to bed and called it a night.

A Tale of Endurance- SpamanoWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu