Chapter 1

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It was a cloudy day at the orphanage. Grace was in her room, lying on her bed, playing with a rubber band and said to herself "so bored"

But then she heard something from the TV, so she got out of her room, went to the living room, she saw the girls watching a Christmas movie "Elf" and they were watching the opening scene, she was surprised to see it cause she hasn't seen it since last year but she was confused cause it wasn't Christmas yet, so she decided to stick around and watched the movie with them

A while later, when they got to the part when Buddy was on his way to New York to find his biological father Walter Hobbs, Grace heard Miss Fickle calling her name, she immediately jumped out of the couch and saw Miss Fickle coming towards her

"What are you doing? You should be doing your chores but no you just have to watch that movie" Miss Fickle said

"But I already sweep the second floor, did some dishes and picking up the toys" Grace said

"Well now you need to wash the windows, sweep the first floor and clean the fireplace and I'll make sure to keep you busy" Miss Fickle said and she walks away as Grace sighed

"If only you would hire some maids or something cause this place is huge" Grace said

"What?!" Miss Fickle said when she turned back to Grace "well listen here, there's this thing called budget, okay? You should be lucky that I let you stay here instead of being on the streets"

When Miss Fickle left and Grace runs off to do her chores

After she finished her chores, she was back to her room, lying on her bed while catching her breath

"I wish Christmas could come now" Grace said "even though I won't get presents but I like to decorate the orphanage, decorate the tree, decorate cookies with Martha and Lilly and even making a gingerbread house"

But then the wind came, the light appeared and Grace saw it and said "I wonder it's going to take me somewhere Christmasy"

She ran into the light and it disappeared

Grace's Adventure In ElfWhere stories live. Discover now