Chapter 8: Piper

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A/N I'm not trying to copy Rick but since I didn't know what to name this chapter, and since it's mostly pipers perspective, I just put Piper.


After everything that happened at the campfire, no one really wanted to hang around, so they all headed back to their cabins. Piper stood at the edge amphitheater away from her siblings.
Not wanting to get a beating from Drew for getting on the quest.

Piper's POV

I heard someone walking over, and I look up to see Kenos coming towards me.

"Hey," she says to me in her deep raspy voice. I shiver from not the cold but what felt like . . . pleasure?

"Hi," I say back shyly.

"Are you cold?" She asks.

"Um yeah kinda, since my mom kinda mugged me and took my snowboarding jacket." I reply

"Here," she says and she takes off her leather jacket and puts it around my shoulders.

"Aren't you cold?" I ask her.

"No not really, I've been colder before, and you look like you need my jacket more than I do." She says with a smile. 'Her smile is so cute.' I think to myself, 'Gosh! You just met her Piper! You can't seriously be having a crush on her this early can you?' I blush at my thoughts and look back up at her. 'She's really tall!' I think to my self again.

"Um well, may I walk you back to your cabin?" She asks me while scratching her neck.

"Yeah." I say with a smile, and she blushes.

We've been walking for a minute or so but I wanted to the the fact off my mind that I was very exposed wearing this dress, so I try to make conversation with Kenos.

"Um, Kenos?" I asked her.

"Yes?" She replied to me.

"How long have you been here? I ask.

"Well, since I recently turned 18 in November, I've been here for about 8 years." She says.

"8 years!" I exclaimed, I knew she was older than me but by 3 years!

"Yeah, heh, kinda lose track of time when you're fighting monsters." She says, and I blushed when she did a small laugh.

We continue walking and talking back and forth, and some new information I have now is that Kenos is 6'6", her favorite color is black, she likes working out and training, her favorite music genres are: classical and rock, her favorite car is the Audi R8, she knows over 170 different types martial arts, she knows 12 different languages, and a bunch of other things irrelevant.

We arrive in front of my mom's cabin, and I had two questions left to ask Kenos.

"Um I have two more questions." I tell her shyly.

"Alright, ask away." She says.

"Ok, um so at the campfire, the prophecy said Void's daughter, who is void?" I ask.

"Well, I'm the daughter of Chaos who is basically the creator of the universe, she wasn't supposed to have any mortal children, but then I happened. That's why almost all Gods and demigods alike share a hatred for me because they believe I'm dangerous, evil, uncontrollable, and almost or on the way of being a psychopath, or some sort of person with a mental disorder or something like that, which is all fairly true." She says with her head down. I take a few steps closer to her, and take her face in my hands, and she leans into my touch.

"I don't believe any of that, what I do believe is that you are a powerful and good person that saved me and my friends when those storm spirits came. I'm not scared of you, and I'll never be, so don't worry." I tell her. She leans down a little and hugs me tightly and thanks me multiple times.

"What was your other question?" She asks me, her head still buried in my neck.

"Uh well, when Drew was talking about you and Leo, she said something about an extra appendage?" I say.

"Mmmmm..." she makes noise of disapproval, but still answers me after we separate from out hug. "Well first of all do you know what an intersex person is?" She asks me.

"Well, yes sort of... oh" I say and blush, my cheeks felt like they were on fire. She looks away again embarrassed. I reassure her that I accept her by hugging her again. We stayed like that for a while until she pulled away and told me if I were out any longer, the harpies would eat us, so we walked away with a smile and I took a deep breath and entered my cabin with a small smile on my face.

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