Chapter 6: Speaking to the demon in my head

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⚠️ This chapter contains some mature fluff.⚠️

Kenos' POV

Chiron told me to put her down on the couch, but when I tried to, she was still gripping onto me. I turn my head to look over at the others and they just had me hold her so they can give her some nectar and then they told me to lay on the couch with her on top of me. Her head was resting on my chest, and her body cuddled up, hugging me. The others started talking, but all I could focus on was Piper. She was breathing but she was pale, very pale. When everyone has left, Piper subconsciously moved up and tucked her head into my neck. Her breath left tingles on my neck, and made me shiver.

'Oooh she makes us aroused.'
'Who are you?' I thought. 

'I am Shadow, I am your demonic side. And Piper is ours. Our mate, our lover.' She said, her voice sounded like mine but slightly deeper and huskier.

'What do you mean lover, I know that she had thought Jason was her...boyfriend but that was the mist, I've er we've just met her.' I replied.

'Our mother and the fates have collaborated and gave us two mates, Piper is one.' Shadow told me.

'Why do we need our mates?' I ask.

'We need them, when we reach the age of 20, we will gain even more power, not including the ones we have yet to discover, and without our mates we would overflow with power and if you or I get angry, without them, we would destroy the world.' She explains.

'Woah, uhm so Piper and another person are our mates?' I sum up.

'Yes, our other mate is also a girl, and once we find all of them, when we turn 24, we will become immortal and so will they. I can't wait to mate with them.' She says and I hear her groan after the last sentence. So damn horny.

I look down and Piper was still comatose, I was extremely worried, and I wanted to help, but I wasn't sure how.

'Kiss her head.' I hear shadow say. I was confuse but did as instructed. The second my lips touched her head, sparks ignited and I felt a shiver pleasure go through out my body. I heard Piper let out a small moan and I saw the the color had returned to her face.

I watch her open her eyes and then saw them get wider.

"How are you feeling?" I ask her.

"Uh— um where are we and how did we get here?" She asks me blushing.

"We're in the big house, I had to carry you here when you collapsed in Hera's cabin." I told her.

She then look over at Argus and she looked incredibly scared.

"Don't be scared of him, that's Argus, the head of security." I tell her and an eye on Argus' chin winks at her.

"Uh the uh the red haired girl grabbed me," Piper remembered, "Hera's voice—"

"Yes, A goddess sending you a like that isn't fun. Chiron and I healed you. Chiron used some nectar to do so." I explain.

"Nectar?" She asks confused.

"The drink of the gods. In small amounts it can heal us demigods, but uh too much it can— uh... burn us to ashes." I say.

"Oh. Fun." She says.

I try to sit up since she's still straddling me. And she moves off a bit.

"Do you— uh remember your vision?" I ask.

I saw Piper look distant for a moment probably trying to remember it.

"Somethings wrong with the goddess, she told me to free her, like she's trapped. She mentioned the earth swallowing us, and a fiery one, and something about the solstice." Piper said.

In the corner, Argus made a rumbling sound in his chest. His eyes all fluttered at once.

"Hera created Argus," I explained, "he's very sensitive when it comes to her safety. We try to keep him from crying, because.... well, it'll cause quite a flood."

Argus sniffled. He grabbed a a fistful of Kleenex from the bedside table and started dabbing his eyes all over his body.

"So..." Piper tried not to stare as Argus wiped the tears from his elbows, "what happened to Hera?"

"We're not sure, Annabeth and Jason were here a while ago but they left when Annabeth had an idea the could restore his memories." I tell her.

"That great." She says, but it's sounded halfhearted. I saw her look down at her dagger.

"Hey," I saw and I grab her hand, "I know Jason had a vision too, and if they're connected, I'll try to help you."

"Now," I say, "let's go." I say.

"Dinner?" She asks.

"No you slept through it, but if you come over to my cabin after the campfire, I can get you some food. My cabin had magical plates to give you what you crave. Right now it's campfire time, let's find out who you are." I say and we head out.

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