''I don't have a boyfriend'' I tell him my heart breaking but I'm not letting it show.

''Natasha did a good job indeed'' He smiles and takes his hands off my face and laughs.

Natasha was in on it too? So Riccardo was telling the truth. Well now I feel guilty and I am also kidnapped by my ex fiance and probably will get killed by him too and I will never get the chance to apologize to Riccardo.

''You see Haley, somehow you are just drawn to this dark world, you had me wrapped around your finger and then you got the most powerful man there is, for now, and honesty I didn't expect THAT'' He talks some nonsense.

''If you want to kill me just get it over with already George''  I tell him feeling defeated and wanting all this crap to be over.

''Oh but I don't want you dead baby, I want your boyfriend to die and you are gonna help me to make that happen'' He tells me standing still and giving me a smile that I want to smack of off his face.

''Over my dead body'' I growl at him.

''I'll give you some time to think about it, and for now, give me a smile for Ricky'' He tells me laughing as he pulls out his phone and takes a photo of me.

''Thanks baby, I'll see you later'' He tells me and gives me a kiss on the head that makes me throw up in my mouth.

George was in the mafia? He said I had him wrapped around my finger, that was a lie. If I did then why did he leave me? It doesn't add up.

I was now alone in the warehouse and I looked around if there could be anything that could help me get free and get out of this shit hole. But there was nothing around just boxes and boxes.

Riccardo's POV:

I sat in my office the entire night hoping that Haley would come back home. I tried to call her but she didn't pick up. I wanted to give her the space she needed but I asked some of my men to follow her to make sure she was okay.

I couldn't stop thinking about her and knowing the pain she felt because of me once again was killing me. I need to make this right, she is the one for me and I won't give up on us, I don't even know how to live without her anymore, it just doesn't feel right.

I hear a knock on my door and lookup hoping it was her but it was my sister instead, she looked worried.

''Hi Rick, where's Haley?'' She asks me and comes inside worried. What do I tell her?

''She left'' I say not wanting to say anything more realizing how stupid the whole situation sounds and now I understand why Haley freaked out, who wouldn't.

''Why? Did something happen?'' She asks me with worry growing on her face.

I don't respond to her question and just look down to avoid eye contact.

''What did you do Riccardo Andrea Lucarelli?'' She asks me now angry with me.

''Natasha came last night'' I tell her still trying to avoid eye contact.

''And?...'' She proceeds to ask me now with her arms crossed over her chest and looking at me with an raised eyebrow.

''And she came on to me and undressed herself and Haley came in just as I was about to stop Natasha and it made it look like we were about to fuck'' I say to my sister with a raised voice because the thought of Natasha made my blood boil.

''And you just let her walk?'' She almost screams at me.

''What was I supposed to do? Hold her against her will? I scream back at her angry that she's lecturing me.

''Yes, you dumbass. Now she definitely thinks she means nothing to you. I can't imagine the pain she is feeling right now. She was the best thing that has happened to you and she loved you not for your power or for your money but for who you are as a person and you go and fuck it up!'' She says frustrated trying to speak some sense into me.

Isabella was right, she was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Did she really love me or is just Bella saying that?

''I'm trying to fix it'' I tell her letting out a sight.

''How? Sitting around hoping she will run back to you?'' She laughs at my actions.

''If you really want her back and she means something to you, you will run after her, no matter how far and for how long and you will start right now.'' She tells me putting her hand on my wooden desk making me look up at her angry face.

I nod my head in agreeing knowing she was right about everything. And I will look for her even if that's the last thing I'll do.

''Do you love her?'' I am brought out of my thought by Isabella's question.

''Of course I love her'' I say to her in an angry voice not believing I am saying this out loud.

I see a smile form on Isabella's face and she nods and leaves me alone in my office. 'I have to find her' I think to myself and take my phone to call the men who were sent to follow her and keep her safe.

No answer.

I call again. No answer again.

''Dante get the car ready we leave in 15'' I scream down the hallway as I walk in our bedroom and change into some fresh clothes.

I go to walk out of the house and see Dante who is already waiting for me and we get in one of my cars just the two of us and drive away. I know she was staying at this hotel not far away so we will check there first.

''Where are we going?'' Dante asks.

''To find out why those three bastards looking over Haley aren't picking up their damn phones'' I respond while gripping tighter on the wheel trying to hold in my anger. I see Dante nod seeing my anger and not wanting to provoke me more.

As we are only a few minutes away from the hotel my phone buzzes and I go to look. It was an unknown number sending me a photo. I pass the phone to Dante as I was about to make a turn in the hotel's parking lot.

''Look at what that is'' I tell him and he opens up the message and freezes for a second.

''This is not good boss'' He tells me with a worried voice.

''What is it?'' I question grabbing my phone back and then I see it.

A photo of Haley, my Haley, tied up to a chair with her eyes red and full with anger. I feel my blood boil, who ever has got her are not going to live for much longer anymore. I swear if they have touched even a hair of hers I will make their death miserable and long.

''Fuck'' I scream squeezing my phone so hard that the screen cracks. I turn the car around and drive home as fast as I can.

''Call Alessio to find out who and from where the message was sent, I want to know everything just as soon as we get back'' I order Dante and he immediately grabs his phone and orders Alessio what to do.

We get back to the house and I rush in to go find Alessio to know what he has found out.

''Tell me everything'' I say angrily at Alessio just as soon as I see him. I see him swallow a lump in his throat as he looks scared to give me an answer.

''Did you not hear me?'' I ask not wanting to repeat myself.

''The thing is boss, who ever sent the message was smart and used a burner phone who can not be traced'' He tells me worried trying to avoid my eye contact.

''We're dealing with something bigger than just one person'' I say feeling worry overwhelm me. I hope she is okay. I wish I never dragged her into this world then none of this would of ever happened. 'Don't worry. I'm coming for you baby' I think to myself hoping she would somehow get my message.

''What else could you find out from this one message?'' I ask Alessio hoping to get at least one clue of where she could be.

''I can maybe find out where the phone was purchased but that's about it'' He tells me shrugging his shoulders.

''Do it, we need all the information we can get'' I ask him and he nods going back to his computer and doing my request.

The Lucarelli queenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن