9~ Pink Flower Field

Start from the beginning

"Ouch." Toph smiles.

Zuko thinks for a moment. "I bet it's because I changed sides."

"That's ridiculous." Katara says, then sips on her soup bowl.

"(Y/n)? Did any of your skills change when you switched sides?" Zuko asks, hoping for some kind of confirmation.

(Y/n) cocks a brow up. "I'm not a bender, dummy. It's not like how i'm feeling affects how good I am. I wasn't born with the skills i've got," (Y/n) sips on her soup bowl. "Besides, I "switched sides" long before I left the ship."

"Right." Zuko mutters.

"Maybe your firebending comes from rage, and you just don't have enough anger to fuel it the way you used to." Aang suggests.

"So all we need to do is make Zuko angry. Easy enough." Sokka starts to poke Zuko with the handle of his sword, giggling lightly as he goes.

"Okay, cut it out!" Zuko shouts, causing Sokka to flinch and drop his sword. "Look, even if you're right, I don't want to rely on hate and anger anymore. There had to be another way."

"You're gonna need to learn to draw your firebending from a different source. I recommend the original source." Toph says.

"How's he supposed to do that? By jumping into a volcano?" Sokka jokes.

Toph doesn't laugh. "No. Zuko needs to go back to whatever the original source of firebending is."

"So is it jumping into a volcano?" Sokka asks, quieter than he was before.

Toph then explains what the original source of earthbending was, and how she learned from the badgermoles.

Aang explains how sky bison were the first airbenders, and leans over to ask Appa if he could give Aang a lesson. Appa gives him a happy growl in response.

"Well this doesn't help me. The original firebenders were the dragons, and they're extinct." Zuko says.

"What do you mean? Roku had a dragon, and there were plenty of dragons when I was a kid." Aang says, speaking like he's some old man.

"Well they aren't around anymore, okay?" Zuko shouts. (Y/n) flinches.

"Okay, okay. Sorry." Aang apologizes.

"But maybe theres another way. The first people to learn from the dragons were the ancient Sun Warriors." Zuko says.

Aang and Zuko formed a plan to visit the ruins of the ancient Sun Warriors the next day, but the sky was dark and it was getting late. Everyone opted to retire to their beds, and settled in for the night.


(Y/n) woke up early against her will. She tried to fall back asleep, but with no success.

She started her day by eating a small breakfast, enough to hold her over until lunch.

The group only ate together for lunch and dinner, while people ate breakfast as they woke up on their own time.

It was a gorgeous day, few clouds in the sky and the air was warm. The light breeze that flowed through the temple was warm, too.

(Y/n) decided to do some physical fighting training, guessing that she had been doing enough target training for the past few days.

She put her hair up into a hairstyle where hair wouldn't get in her eyes, and found some spare wrap that was laying around. She used it to wrap her wrists and her feet, to prevent them from getting scratched up. It wouldn't be worth it to get herself injured when she wasn't fighting any enemies.

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