Mono felt tears trickling down his cheeks. His extended hand fell slowly to his side as he stood there staring blankly at her and at the creatures hungry for flesh, "Me?" He muttered, slowly shaking his head, "Six... me...? After everything we've been through. Miles of travelling together, and now this? Is this what you want?" Mono tilted his head. All he could hear now was his own voice and the ringing in his ears, "Are you even listening to yourself?" He was silent for a moment. After letting out a shaky breath, he added one last thing, "Lower your hand... it's just me, plain old Mono, one who almost got eaten by the fish, the same one who wore that stupid oversized hat, the same one who could no longer walk and had Six carry him for a whole hour." He said, pausing for a moment, but Six still wouldn't lower her arm. Mono felt like he spent all his cards now, except that there was still one up his sleeve he could play, "We- We promised we'd stay together, didn't we?" He said, lifting his pinky finger, "Didn't we, Six?"

Six nodded as the now real tears began to flow from her eyes, "Mm-hm..." She said weakly.

Hope flared in Mono's eyes when he found that he was finally breaking through and started moving closer to her again, "Then why are you still pointing those at me?" He said.

Six looked down at her arm, and the shadows were fading in and out of existence. She let out a shaky gasp as she brought her free arm to tap at the figures as if she was trying to put out a fire. Then she forced her arm away from Mono and held it down under her legs, "Oh, Mono. What am I doing?! W-What am I doing?! You're not- you're not him." Her voice escaped in a whimper, "I'm sorry, I don't know what-"

Mono now rushed to her side without thinking and pulled her into a hug, "It's okay, you're okay. You did nothing."

She wrapped one arm around his neck and pulled him closer, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to!" she said, trembling madly in his grip.

"It's fine, it's fine..." Mono backed away and held her blood and tear stained cheeks in his hands, "But it's still dangerous here. We'll-we'll talk more about it when we get out of here, alright?" he said.

Six nodded weakly, but the pained expression still lingered on her face. She reached with one hand to grab Mono's wrist and the other to soothe the unbearable pain in her head.

"W-what?" Mono said.

"I've done something horrible, Mono...! I-I've, this... this all has happened before. It's happening again!" Six said.

Mono backed away, suddenly aware that her words were no longer peculiar, those were the same words of the man in the TV, and the same words he heard long ago. When exactly? he couldn't tell. Something told him that it would be best if these would just find a way out of here first and see what all of this is about later, that thing up there might still be on the prowl and it could be getting closer by now. But this sense of deja vu... it ceaselessly prodded him to unearth the answer, now that he was so close to it. Mono couldn't help but ask, "What happened before, Six."

Six pressed her eyes shut as the pain in her head became more and more intense, "I don't- I can't say. I don't know what all of this is, or what it means... it feels like all of this happened before."

"How...?" Mono pressed the matter.

"I-I don't know! It's like a memory, one I didn't know I had just came back to me... something from so long ago. It feels like it happened, but at the same time it didn't."

Deja vu, she's getting it too! Mono felt like he was stepping out of line now as he grabbed her by her shoulders, trying to get as much out of her as possible. He was sure she knew more than she was letting on, "You mean a sense of deja vu? What exactly happened, Six? Tell me." He said.

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