Chapter Twenty Six

Start from the beginning

"Passengers welcome to Zurich Switzerland" Stephanie's voice came through the speaker, and I smirked watching as Elijah let out a breathe he must have been holding.

"Her flying is scary when not in your seat".

"You also had to walk down a slanted floor to your chair with air pressure pushing against you" I muse taking my back from the foot space in front of me and walking to the door which had slid open to reveal the staircase being brought to let us off.

Pulling on my coat I stepped outside to immediately pick up the sound of the car coming up to get us, then two Bentley Bentayga's parked at the bottom of the stairs while all three occupants of my plane descended to the snow frosted tarmac of the airport.

Yes my security has that big of a budget.

Getting into the back of the matte black vehicle, I buckle my seat before Elijah got into the front passenger seat before the Bentley's headed off one towards my Chalet, and the other to a hotel.

There was a layer of snow on everything and I enjoyed it, mostly because of how stark the houses looked against the white sheet that sat on everything in sight like a natural crown.

A few moments later I saw my house atop a hill, with the most distinguishing feature being the modernized styling of the typical design cues and tones of every other house here just darker.

When the SUV parked I got out and took my bag before thanking the driver, and heading into my house.

The interior of the house had a mix of grey marble, and black lacquered wood flooring, along with a my usual grey and black designs along with lots of glass that gave a clear view from the living room over the rest of the hill down to Zurich itself.

Walking through the entryway into the kitchen where I made myself a glass of rum before crossing the room to the window to look over the city beneath me.

Remembering this morning when I had given Olivia a kiss goodbye, and promised to tell her that I had made it safely to Switzerland I pulled out my phone to call her.

"Hey Adrian" she says and I could pick up the tone of relief in her voice.

"Hello bellissima" I say into the phone smiling at hearing her after so many hours.

You sound whipped Winters.

Shut the fuck up, I mentally grit to myself.

"I was worried about you".

"I made it safely if not hearing my voice is enough assurance" I muse.

"It is" she says, "I miss you".

This girl is the only reason I know what love is.

"I miss you too Olivia" I say, "and in three days I'll be back home".

"How long is the meeting you have to go to?".

"I don't really know, it's about my out of country assets, so who even bloody knows how long I'll be sitting on my ass in a conference room".

"Then you come home to a court case" she sighs.

"Yeah, two weeks in a court room here we go".

"Well at least you don't have to deal with paper work for two weeks after you come home".

"That is true" I admit taking a sip from my glass.

"I heard a glass, so you're drinking and you've only been in Switzerland for what half an hour" Olivia teases.

"Something like that" I say, "taking in the view".

"Is it pretty".

"Yes, and snowy, it's literally on everything in sight".

"Well you will have rain and me to welcome you home in eight hours".

"Are you going to count down until I'm home Olivia?" I smirk.

"Maybe" she says.

Letting out a laugh, I exhale, "you're cute".

"Don't make me blush".

"No promises beautiful" I quip.

"I will hang up" she threatens but her laughing takes away any weight that statement had.

"I'm sure, I love you Olivia".

"I love you too Adrian".

"I'll see you on the runway of JFK in a few days I promise".

"And I will be there waiting for you".

"Bye Livi".


I then hang up watching the lights of Zurich begin to light up the city as the night descended on Switzerland, and I stood watching it all unwinding from my journey with a glass to prepare myself for sleep, and the day I will have tomorrow.
So Adrian is in Switzerland, leave comments of hoe you think the meeting will go and what will be discussed its... actually that would be too much so you'll have to wait also, vote, and share. Anyways


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