He opens the door, and once more picks me up bridal style.

"Lorenzo I'm fine." I say to reinsure him.

"I won't buy that until the doctor checks it out." He tells me.

"At least put me down! I can walk! My legs are fine." I snap at him. He completely ignores me.

As he walks through the rush hospital halls, I feel a whole lot of eyes watching. We enter the elevator and he presses the absolute top bottom.

"We can just go to floor 3 for stitches." I tell Lorenzo.

"I'm not taking you to any doctor. I'm taking you to a doctor. I trust myself, Angelo." Lorenzo says in a husk.

The elevator finally opens and he takes me to a room. The whole floor was empty. He places me on those check-up beds.

"I'll be right back. Don't you are fucking move." He warns me, before walking off. Not too long after he came back in with a doctor.

I assume Lorenzo told him everything only because he got straight to work. "Head down a little." The doctor says to me as he put on his plastic gloves.

"You're right Mr. Romano. Stitches are required." Says the doctor, kind of to the both of us. The doctor moves to the cupboards and picks up a kit.

"Oh hell no! We're not doing shit!" I yell jumping off from my seat.


"I'm sorry Lorenzo. I see you concerned but I can't afford this!" I snap at him.

"Don't worry about that right now." He says.

"I can't just worry!" I scoff.

"I'll get it covered. I'm going to pay. Now sit your ass down and get those goddamn stitches." Lorenzo says to me so fucking casually.

Lowkey though,

that was hot.

"If my parents find out-"

"they won't. I'll make sure of it." Lorenzo reinsures me. I take a minute before sitting back down. Getting ready for the stitches.

"It's gonna hurt." I say with a small whine. From my eyes to around the room, Lorenzo's eyes travel. He pulls up a chair right in front of me.

"It won't." He says to me, slowly grabbing my hand. "I'll distract you." He whispers. Lorenzo looks up to the doctor and slightly nods his head. Indicating to tell the doctor to start.

His eyes connect with mine once again. "I love your eyes." He mutters.

"Huh." I reply. He chuckles lightly.

"Your gorgeous eyes. Mi Amor." Lorenzo says. I immediately feel butterflies all over. "That has to be my favourite thing about you. Well for the basic start. We barely know each other." Says Lorenzo, leaving me surprised.

"Huh." I say, still shocked. I slightly flitch to the pitch given from the needle.

"Can't you be any more careless?!" Lorenzo says kind of yelling at the doctor. The doctor jumps a little. "S-sorry, sir." He stutters before finishing up.

"I-It's done, Mr. Romano." The doctor says before rushing out of the room. "You alright?" Lorenzo questions, as he gets up from his chair. Moving it back where it was before.

"Let's go?" Lorenzo says. I slowly nod my head and got up.


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