"What's happening up in that brain of yours? You are obviously bothered by something," Dream says and I look back at y/n.

"Well, y/n got bullied and pretty bruised yesterday by some kids in her class and she said she would come over by me if they start hurting her again but I am just worried about it," I say.

"Damn dude, I'll mess them up too. You helped me when Drista was getting bullied," Dream says. 

I laugh, "Yeah, that was messed up," Then I see y/n take half of her sandwich and a half-full bag of chips to the garbage. Along with an empty water bottle. Then two boys walk up to her, and she starts looking around the cafeteria. She is looking for me, "Those kids are dead," I mumble and get up walking towards the garbage. I see the kids grab y/n by her shirt and I walk up behind them, "Don't touch her," I growl in his ear and he immediately turns around and looks at me.

"Why do you care?" He says.

"Because she is my sister, now let go before I end you," They immediately let go and run, "Are you alright?" I say switching my tone to sympathy. 

"It just doesn't bring back the best memories," She says while tearing up. I give her a big hug and then she wipes her eyes, "I'm okay," She says. 

"Alright stay safe munchkin," I say ruffling her hair.

"You too bubbles," She says and then we walk back to our tables.

"Hey, is your sister good?" Karl asks.

"Yeah, she's okay now. I didn't even have to hit the kids to make them leave," They all laugh and I look back at y/n and she is back to laughing with her friends, I smile and turn back to my friends talking about everything and just joking around.

Y/n pov:

I get up and go to 9th period and sit down being forced to be by the bullies. The teacher hands out another packet and we turn in our ones from the previous day. The kids sit down next to me and talk in my ear, "You don't have your brother now," they grumble in my ear. I scoff and start working. I finish the packet and then go to the bathroom. When I come out there is a deadly surprise waiting for me, "This is for your brother," Before I can even react he punches me in the face. I am being demolished, punch after punch, kick after kick, and my ears start ringing. I hear a high-pitched scream and then I am untouched. Everything is foggy until I feel a pair of comforting arms.

"I'm here for you. You'll be okay," Wilbur says and shields me from everyone. I open my eyes to see Techno, Dream, and two other guys demolishing the boys. I see a camera pointing at the fight, me, and security guards pushing their way through. Every time I see Techno throw a punch I flinch. I love that he is protecting me, but before I know it, I cry on Wilbur's shoulder, and flashbacks roam my mind.

I see my foster dad roaming the house, beer bottle in hand. Then I see the beer bottle flying towards my face and it shatters on impact. I then get punched again and again until I am bleeding all over the ground. He then moves on to his wife and throws her to the ground, hitting her, over and over again. She is all bloody and the cops arrive. The memories of getting beat up and then seeing someone get beat up cloud my thoughts. I am sobbing in Wil's arms and then he picks me up completely and walks down the stairs into the nurse's office. She cleans the blood off me and wraps me up in bandages. She gives me some water and then leaves the room. I sit up and see Tommy in the other room, he is panicking and struggling to breathe. I lay my head back down as the pain becomes too much to bear and close my eyes, hiding them from the bright lights. Hiding from the pain I am in. Hiding from the pain I caused by existing. I open them again when I hear Phil yell and I see Phil, Techno, and Wil in the other room, "IT'S HER SECOND DAY! SHE SHOULDN'T BE GETTING BEATEN UP!" Phil yells with tears in his eyes. I stare at the ceiling and cover my ears trying to block out the noise. I squeeze my eyes shut and tears flow out of them. Then I hear the door open and I get a big hug. I open my eyes and see a crying Tommy hugging me. I hug him back and we cry together. When we start to calm down the nurse comes in.

"You guys can go see your family now. They are done talking to the principal. Just be careful you two," We nod and say thank you as we both stand up. Black spots flash across my eyesight and I tumble backward. Tommy catches me and we walk out the door. They are all looking down and when I see them they all give us a big hug. We stand there for a minute then go home. The car ride is silent aside from the sniffles that we all have. Until Phil speaks up.

"So, Wil and Techno know this already but you guys are suspended for 2 days, just so you all can heal a bit and calm down. The kids who beat you up were suspended for 1 month." 

"They should've been expelled," Techno growls under his breath but still loud enough for everyone to hear and I nod my head agreeing. 

"Yes they should've but you are lucky you aren't suspended for a month too," Phil counters.

"What should I have let y/n die?" I flinch at the thought. 

"No, I'm proud of you that you stuck up for her but maybe don't punch as much,"

"Holy shit," Wil whispers from next to me and I lean over to see what he is looking at. He is scrolling through Snapchat and they are all about the fight. I drop my head and pick up my phone. Tommy snatches it.

"Hey! Give it back!" I yell reaching for my phone.

"You shouldn't watch the videos," Tommy says.

"Well, I can do what I want but I want to see if my friends texted me!" I say sassy and upset. 

"Give y/n her phone Tommy. But I am with Tommy, I don't think you should watch those videos," Phil says.

"I won't! I just want to text my friends!" I yelp and Tommy drops the phone in my hands. I smile and look to see a ton of texts from my friends, all asking if I was okay. I open the group chat.

Y/n: Hey guys, I am okay. I won't be at school till Friday but I am good! I am in some pain but it isn't awful. See you guys soon! 

I send the message and then get loads of feel betters and get well soon messages. Then we arrive home, I walk into the house slowly and sit down on the couch because it hurts to walk. We all stay downstairs and the Phil speaks up. "You guys want to have a movie marathon? You guys can stay up late tonight," We all nod and Phil makes some popcorn and gives us each a can of soda and water. We all sit down on the couch. I am in the middle of Techno and Wil. Tommy is next to Wil, and Phil is next to Tommy. The first movie we watch is Up because Tommy loves it. The next movie we watch is Hamilton because Wil and Tommy love it. After the second movie, I have to take a bathroom break so I go to the bathroom while they are picking the next movie. I look at my bandaged body and sign. I go do what I need to and then pull out my phone. I stare at the group chat because Freddie sent a video. One of the videos. I put my phone away and go back out by everyone, cuddling up against Techno. He looks down at me and smiles as we start to watch Moana. I leaned on Techno more as I started to drift off to sleep. I felt a protective arm wrap around me as I shut my eyes.

Word Count: 2017

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