"Are you sure you want to go back? We could just stay in here until the bell rings." I shook my head. I don't want them to think I am weak. Because I am not weak. I'm the opposite.

I walked into the quiet cafeteria to find heads turned towards me. I guess they didn't expect me to come back. Hillary and I sat down at our table which was now empty. The cafeteria was still quiet.

I couldn't take it anymore. The quiet was too much. I turned around to say something or scream, but my voice was caught in my throat. Ryan was standing right behind me. He still had that devious look in his eye.

"Can I help you?" My voice came out a little louder than a whisper and it sounded more like a hiss. "I was just wondering why you were staring at me". I thought quickly for an answer. I looked him in the eye and said, "I was just thinking the exact same thing". His faced flushed and the cafeteria was eerie. The bell broke the heavy silence. I grabbed Hillary's arm and fled the cafeteria.

You might be wondering why I am not popular. Remember when I told you that this school was based on knowledge? Well I believe I am the smartest kid alive. I just get so nervous under pressure that I forget everything. The school posts our grades for every test in each of the seven sections of the school. We have 7th grade through 12th grades and seven different sections for each. Your rank will always be in your section. I am number 35 out of 100 kids. Guess what number Ryan is. Of course first. Hillary is 5th. She knows I am smart and keeps trying to make me relax during tests but she just can't. Well, she is the reason I am not dead last, but she can't fully help me. She is more popular but still hangs out with me. I love her for that.

After school ended, I walked home alone. Hillary had a date to go on so she couldn't come with me. I had my headphones in my ears and I was listening to my Favorite Songs playlist. Right now it was playing Uptown Funk by Mark Bronson and Bruno Mars. I wanted to dance so bad but I knew that everyone would think I was weird.

I arrived at home ten minutes earlier than I usually did because this time, I didn't stop to buy coffee from Starbucks. I stood in front of my house for a second to wave to my neighbor across the street. I climbed the perfectly painted blue stairs to my purple and white porch. I was searching in my book bag for my key when I heard a loud bang. "Dad!!" I took the key out and jabbed it in the lock. I heard the click and the door opened. I ran inside and saw my dad on the floor picking up some spilled tools from the floor and putting them in his toolbox.

"Dad! You scared the crap out of me!" He chuckled. "Well I didn't know you had crap in you". OK that was funny. We both started laughing and then he stopped. The room got quiet.

"Pumpkin. I have something to tell you. Well I am leaving for a year long business trip and you are going to have to stay with my best friend's family". He looked down as he spoke. "I will try to visit you on the breaks and such but you will have to live with them for a year". "Dad. It is OK. I know how much we both need you to work. But.. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THIS SOONER!!" I felt bad for yelling but imagine if that happened to you. What would you do? "When are you leaving?" I felt a little calmer after yelling. "In two hours". "OK. Then let us pack". We raced through the hallways packing up everything he needed for the trip and everything I needed for the stay. After we were finished packing, we ate some food and started on our way towards our car. When my mother died, my father sold her car and bought a mini van. He wanted nothing of hers to be in sight because he would just break down and start crying. Everything of hers is either in the attic or the basement.

We arrived at the home I was supposed to stay in thirty minutes later. Someone was already standing on the porch. He was handsome. No. Handsome is an understatement. He was gorgeous. My dad ran up to the gorgeous man and gave him a bear hug. They were standing there hugging and laughing when I finally got out of the car and stood beside my father.

"Is this the lovely lady who happens to be staying with me and my family for the whole year!" He held out his hand for me to shake it and I took it in gratitude. "Thank you Marcus. Take care of her for me!" My father hugged me and walked toward the car. Marcus brought in my suitcases and lightly pushed me inside of his house.

If I were to say that the room was beautiful, it would be an understatement. The house was clean, glorious, and full of class. I was led up the staircase to my room which was huge. I all of my luggage onto the floor and jumped on my bed. Yup this is real, not a dream. My bed felt like a cloud and I had to fight the urge to fall asleep right there. I knew I would have to greet the family. The whole family. After I finished looking and admiring my room, I walked down the spiral staircase to meet the family I would be staying with.

Marcus was standing there with his arms folded waiting. "I would like you to meet the family you are staying with". He beckoned over a beautiful lady with light brown hair. She smiled and gave me a hug. Next came a boy who I believe to be at least 12 years old. He waved at me but didn't smile. Marcus beckoned someone else over.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I am going to be staying with Ryan Selow for a year! He nodded his head towards me and looked down. I had to pinch myself to keep from staring. He was frowning but his eyes were full of mischief.

"This lady here is my wife Hannah, the young boy over there is Kevin, and the young man here is Ryan". As he said that, he lightly tapped Ryan on she shoulder. The boys walked out and Hannah stood there beaming at me.

Hannah looked at me with wide eyes. "Finally a girl! I have been living with three boys and I am so happy you are a girl. Come on lets go shopping". I looked down. "I am so sorry but I didn't bring any money". She laughed. "Who said you were gonna pay?" "No I couldn't.." She yanked me toward the door. Well I couldn't say no to a shopping spree.

We came home five hours later with a load of clothes. She spent literally more than a thousand dollars on me and bought me really high quality clothes. I wish I was going to school tomorrow because I would totally love to rock off my new clothes. Since it was going to be Christmas in three days, we had to leave school. At least it wasn't snowing when we left but my feet were sore.

I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, and laid down on my new bed. It was 9:30. I set my alarm clock to 5:00 and fell asleep.

I hope you guys liked it. Thanks for reading...

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