chapter fourteen

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I decided to make it all alright. Our squad group can't always have a cold war because I'm sure all of us wanted it too, but our points of pride are higher. Since high school, we've all been together, and they're the only friend group that has lasted until now. I just can't lose them just because of some misunderstanding and things. Jayden, Vivian, and Ava are all mad at each other, Maxwell and Dylan also.

I'm the only hope for them.

"Hello? Vivian? Can you go to my house now? I wanted to talk about something?" I asked and called them one by one. I needed a good plan, which I could think of; I wanted them to have some confrontation and be as calm as possible.

"Karina, you can do this. You are the only hope in this misery," I cheered myself up. I don't know why I was nervous, but I still decided to go for it.

"I should message him too" I took out my cell phone and messaged Dylan. I can't call him since I'm not sure if he will answer that, so I just message him. He and Maxwell should fix their fight that I don't know what. They've been friends for a long time, and this is the only time I've seen them get hurt because of a fight they had.

"Argh, please help me," I sighed as I scratched my head in frustration.

After some time, they all arrived; I'm even surprised that Dylan showed up. They all sit on my sofa, and obviously, the lovebirds are seated far from each other, as well as Ava, Maxwell, and Dylan.

"Hahaha, should I offer you guys some food? What do you guys want? I can order them for you" I laughed as I broke the heavy atmosphere. I couldn't handle the super awkward situation, so I needed to save it for the sake of us.

"What do you want, Karina? Isn't it enough that you're sending us here for nothing? Stop being so annoying," Jayden scoffed as I looked at him feeling betrayed. How can he say those words to me?

"Jayden, I'm just trying to help," I replied as I tried to come near him. "Well then, to tell you, You are not helping at all," He scoffed.

Maxwell suddenly pushed him back by the hand as he was about to walk out, and Dylan punched him in the face.

"What the fuck did you say?" Dylan dragged his collar as Vivian was trying to stop them.

"Karina is annoying and childish as fuck. What now?" Jayden laughed as he wiped his lips filled with blood. To my surprise, Maxwell suddenly grabbed Jayden by the arm and punched him in the face again as he fell to the floor.

"Don't you fucking dare, Jayden. Take it back!" This is the first time I saw Maxwell being so violent around us. This is not the usual him.

I was about to stop them from punching each other and help Jayden out when he suddenly pushed me out of the way, making me fall down the cold floor.

"This is all your fault. Look at what you have done," He shouted, which made me tear up. What happened to the Jayden I knew? Maxwell immediately helped me, and Dylan kicked Jayden again, and this time, Jayden fought back. "Karina, stay back" Maxwell stopped me from coming forward.

Vivian and Ava come forward to stop them both when Ava accidentally catches Jayden's arms, making Vivian boil up.

"Stop touching him," She shouted, and she approached Ava to grab a handful of her hair, knowing Ava, who's not letting other people hurt her, also fought back.

"Karina, Stay back," Maxwell cautioned me, and he approached slowly towards the two girls trying to stop them, but they didn't even budge.

I'm losing hope as I stared at them fighting while I was still lying down on the cold floor.

"Stop! Fucking stop, please, guys" I stood up and shouted, stopping them all. They looked at me and calmed down. "I'm done with all of you, and I'm tired of catching this fucking group who still won't grow up! For fucks sake, we're not high schoolers anymore."

"Karina .."

"I'm tired, and please stop this," I cried and begged them. "I don't want to see all of you again," I cried as I walked forward to the door. I was about to go out when I stopped and looked at them.

"Leave my house, right now" I looked at them once and rushed out of the house.

I don't know where I'm going because I have nowhere to run now since I had already cut ties with them earlier. Maybe Jayden is right that it's all my fault, and I shouldn't have played the hero because I made it all worse. I just wanted us all to be happy, but I made things worse.

I just stayed in a park near our house, and I sat on the swing. I was surprised when suddenly someone put a jacket on my shoulders, and when I looked, I saw Maxwell.

"It's cold outside, and you shouldn't go out without a jacket on" He smiled, and he sat down next to my swing. "I told you I don't want to see you," I said coldly, trying not to look at him.

"You don't want to see me, but I do," he replied, making me look at him.

"You can let it all out, Karina, I'll stay," he smiled, and I couldn't stop the shedding of my tears that I had been preventing from dripping, and as soon as he saw me crying, he approached me immediately and hugged me ako.

"Can you stay by my side?" I asked as he nodded and hugged me tightly. "I'll never leave"


"Maxwell, it's all finished," I said to Maxwell, who had been waiting sitting on my sofa.

Maxwell and I decided to leave and go back to New York, and it's been four weeks since we last met the squad. I didn't bother to tell them that I was leaving the country, but I guess Vivian knew since she's Maxwell's twin sister, and she also messaged me, but I decided not to see it.

"Let's go?" Maxwell offered as he dragged my bag away

We arrived at the airport immediately after 1 hour, and I was super excited to go back to New York but also conscious, will I adjust again? I tapped my tummy as I felt butterflies.

"Karina!" I looked behind me when I saw Dylan, and he was all sweaty even though it was super cold inside the airport.

"Karina, don't go" He ran to me and dragged my hand, but Maxwell held me with the other hand to also stop Dylan from taking me away.

"Maxwell, please," he begged Maxwell, and Maxwell was about to let go of my hand when I decided to let go of Dylan's hands first and cling to Maxwell's arms. They were both surprised, but I needed to do this.

"Please forget about me, Dylan. Please let me go."

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