Here's To Us (End of Episode 9)

Start from the beginning

          "You--You weren't there," I mumbled with a soft breath. "No--we left you back in the Last Drop... we left you!"

          I turned my eyes up to her, lips pulling back in a sneer as I leaned forward. Jinx pulled back, raising an eyebrow as I stared up at her.

          "Vi gave you that flare... you weren't with us," I whispered, my face softening a little. And then Jinx snorted, covering her lips as if she had just spilled a secret.

          "Think, Twitch," Jinx said, flicking a finger against my temple and making me lean back from her as she leaned down closer to me. "Think long and hard."

           I shook my head, lips turning down as I was about to deny her. But then my head snapped to the side, grimacing as another Twitch took over.

        Blue electricity crackled all around as my body slammed against the far wall before hitting the ground on my stomach. Pain waved me in and out of consciousness as the air grew thick all around. I looked up just as another wave blew out over us, and blue lightning crackled before striking me in the temple.

          The Twitch slowly began fading as Jinx pulled away, standing tall over me as I slowly rolled my head back and up at her so my gaze found hers.

         "You--you were there," I realized, beginning to connect the dots and swallowing a little to clear my dry throat. "The explosion--it was you!"

          "And your memories?" Jinx added with a tilt of her head. "Taken... by Powder."

          My jaw fell a little as it all began to make sense now, and I began shaking my head, "Powde--"

          "Na-ah! You know my name."

          "--Jinx, it wasn't your fault. None of it was your--!"

          Jinx clamped a metal band around my mouth, clicking it behind my head and muffling the rest of my sentence. This metal band covering my mouth and nose was decorated with a blue marked circle nose with whiskers coming out of it. Three lines on each side. Jinx's bottom lip stuck out some as she bent over, watching me reel away as I shook my head in an attempt to shake the gag off me.

          "Yes, it was," she put simply before shutting the lighter off. Darkness filled the air and left me sitting alone until Jinx placed her hand on my armrest and spun my chair back around. And then I was shoved forward, my gut hitting something solid in front of me as a muffled grunt escaped my lips. Footsteps retracted away before something glowing to my left showed off a shadow of another chair at the far end of the table. Trying to control my breathing under the mask, my eyes began adjusting to the new light as shuffling from the chair sounded overhead. And then I noticed the rope tied around the back of it--realizing someone else was tied up there. Small music began playing from the source of the light as I felt my heart begin to drop. Where was Whiskers? "Really thought I buried this place."

          My head snapped upwards, noticing Jinx was now standing on a broken railing next to some stairs with her pink eyes and her black shadow the only thing visible.

          "But I should have known better."


          My head snapped back to the left, eyes widening as I quickly realized that it was Vi in the chair.

          "Nothing ever stays dead," Jinx mumbled as her frame slowly walked down towards where we were.

          "Are we alone?" Vi asked, and I saw a bit of her pink hair bob to the side of the chair before quickly disappearing from view. I leaned forward, trying my hardest to yell out her name. But it was muffled and unheard.

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