attack on Haven part 2

Start from the beginning

He walked in his gun smoking.

Dryden:the Red Wolf appears!

Dryden started walking toward Lycus.


Dryden:let's finish what we started

Lycus' skin turned black and his hair white. Aura started bursting from his body, I could feel it. What did Lycus do to get this strong? Lycus put his gun back in its holester and threw it at me.

Lycus:I want that back

They started approaching each other.

Jaun:it's like facing a mountain what's he thinking?

Raymond:he isn't. Whenever Lycus fights he let's his instincts take over

When they were close enough Lycus was looked up at Dryden. They both punched each other in the face face at the same time. Lycus was the first to recover and started laying into Dryden. He doesn't need to get angry anymore, Drydens Semblance barely helps! The two of them were going off like machines guns with these punches. Neither of them giving an inch of ground to the other. Lycus is faster he's landing more blows but Drydens Semblance and his mass he'll be tough to take down. Suddenly Lycus dodged a punch and elbowed Dryden in the gut. It made Dryden stop for a second in shock from the blow. Lycus then gave him and uppercut to the jaw sending him flying back.

Lycus:had enough?

He spat some blood out.


He got to his knees.

Dryden:how did you get this strong!?

Lycus:oh you know push ups, sit ups and plenty of juice

Dryden:oh you think your being cute!?

Lycus:bitch I'm adorable

Dryden stood up.

Dryden:I won't lose to you again

He got ready.

Lycus:your funeral

Lycus tan toward him and started laying into him again. I saw a smirk on Drydens face. He has a plan.

Raymond:Lycus no! This is what he wants!

Lycus:I know!

Lycus reeled back and gave him one massive punch to the gut making him fall over.

Lycus:he has somthing up his sleeve...I want to beat at his best

Raymond:Lycus cut the Goku act and finish him!

Dryden stood up.

Lycus:that enough?

Dryden:yeah, should be...get ready Wolf, your about to be the first person to see this

Dryden roared and he began to bulk up and his hair stood up.

Dryden:what do ya think?

Lycus:surprisingly still not as tall or as ripped as the old man


Lycus:forget it let's do this

Lycus jamp up and punched him in the face but Dryden didn't move and inch.

Dryden:my turn

Dryden punched Lycus and he went flying.

Lycus:okay beginning to regret my decision

Raymond:fucking told you!

Lycus:not now Raymond!

He got up.

Lycus:guess this is like my boost?

Dryden:yep, only better. Your strength is nothing compared to this! So your either strong or not me!

He kicked Lycus outside.



Lycus:I'm fine...just let me deal with this

I got up and ran back toward Dryden drop kicking him back in.

Lycus:holy shit that worked?

Dryden grabbed Lycus by the head and slammed him into the floor again and again and again. Everyone just watched as Dryden beat Lycus into the ground. Fuck he might not make it.

Dryden:come on! Come on Red Wolf! Get back up and fight me!

He kept punching.


I was in that white room again when I saw Lyca.

Lyca:what are you doing?

Lycus:getting my ass kicked


Lycus:you think I wanna? He's stronger than me simples as that

Lyca:no he isn't


Lyca:all your life you've been holding back. Even when your sanity is gone you hold back because your scared of hurting others around you. Lycus you need to let this go if you want to win this fight

Lycus:I DONT WANT TO FIGHT! I never wanted to do this! I hate it! I only did it for one reason and now that that's over...I can live in peace

Lyca:it is true you don't like fighting but like all Litchen you Dominate


Most have looked away at the slaughter but then Lycus catches one of Drydens punches. Next thing we know Dryden is launched away. A red aura bursts from the small crator in the floor. Lycus walks out his hair red, skin black his scars glowing red. He tears what's left of his shirt off and this massive cross on his chest also glows. He opens his eyes and we see black eyes with red pupils that glowed. The aura it''s being forced out? How is he increasing it so much that his body has to do that!? Lycus has this wild smile on his face like he's kill someone.

Dryden:what the hell is this!

Lycus:hehehe...guess the old man was right. This is what I was made for

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