Chapter 9: Feel

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The next morning I woke up and went or a walk. I walked past a hair dresser and stopped in my tracks. It was time for a change so I walked in and cut my long hair to shoulder lenght and dyed it light brown. I looked so different right now and I liked it a lot. I went back home and started to prepare the food. The last thing I needed to do was to get the rice cooking. Meanwhile I went to shower and change into a long black wool dress. I was just done getting ready when the doorbell rang. Jay opened the door as he knew the code and came in. He stopped in his tracks and looked at me.

„Who are you and where is Ary?", he asked me shocked.

„It was time for a new start", I replied to him and started to serve the dishes.

„Wow. You look amazing. The food looks better though", he said laughing and sat down. We ate and talked for a while. My phone rang and I looked at him with a smile.

„We need to leave now. My surprise is waiting", I chimed and we grabbed our jackets and left. A car was already waiting for us.

„This is exciting. Where are we going?", he asked me.
„You will see", I sang and we drove for a bit. The car stopped in a industry area and Jay followed me.

„Are you going to kill me? Is that the plan?", he asked me laughing.

„Yes, that is why I changed my get up. Come on. We are running late", I shouted over to him and he ran to catch up with me. We arrived in a hall and then a some lights went on and a dancer dressed in black appeared. A song started playing and Jay and me stood there and watched them. It was a beautiful choreo to a few songs that told a story. A lost woman who met a few people who gave her wings to fly. It was my story. There were only 2 dancers though the filled the stage fully. The last song ended and Jay looked at me.

„This is the best performance I have seen in a long time. There are your songs right? I could feel every beat. Now this is true art", he said sniffling. The dancers came over and someone else. Jays eyes widened when he saw that the dancers were Jimin and J-Hope while Jungkook took care of the tech set up. I asked them for a favor and the guys put their all into it. They were on holiday right now that they loved the songs and wanted to repay me for my help last time. Only Jay, Jungkook and me knew what this stage meant. It was my new beginning.

„This was fantastic guys. You are the best of the best", I said giving them a hug.

„Uhh I like that new look. It makes you look hot", Jimin said unfiltered. Jungkook punched him in the arm for this comment which made me laugh.

„Thanks", I said laughing. The guys left and Jay and me headed to the Han River for a walk. Jay became such a good friend in my life so quick.

„You should make more out of your talent. It would be sad to hide it any longer", he said calmely. I smiled.

„Can you make gold out of nothing? Like the alchemist?", I asked him and was not sure what I was talking about.

„Does not matter. I will buy you the audiobook for your birthday so you can listen to it on the go", I added with a smile. Jay did not say anything for a while and we kept walking in silence. There was something lingering in his head which he could not express or was afraid to ask.

„Ask", I encouraged him and he looked surprised. It was written all over his face.

„I do not know the entire story... how you ended up working with Gin back then and how you ended up working for YG. You know I want to protect you to the best that I can and for that I need to know the whole story", he said as he looked at me. It was only a matter of time that he would ask me this question. I was ready to share it with him so I began to tell him my story and how I ended up here. He did not interrupt me and just listened attentively.

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