TWENTY SIX: Goddesses in Distress

Start from the beginning

My eyes kept with the metal thing, "Can you please put that thing down?"

Artemis shrugs. "It's a sword by the way."

I cross my arms and sigh. Training began a good few hours ago and I learned nothing. I mean, I was usually a fast learner but I couldn't seem to remember the name of the metal weapons and those poky sticks that are forced in a bouncy machine. This may seem stupid to all those people who actually know what they are, but I just could not get them to be kept in my head.

I walk to a nearby bench where my water bottle sat. The Olympus training area was impressive, it was in a circular shape and bricks surrounding the area I was at. Though the other fields were set outside, I liked this single inside field, it felt safe.

"..can't...don't know why..." I overhear a snippet of a conversation, between Artemis and Athena.

"Find another way then. Use your amazing strategies," Athena's voice said.

"That's the thing, I can't. I don't know how to train Kate. It's close to impossible!" Artemis complained. I ignored the rest of their conversation as I finished off the rest of my water. Sadly, she's right. I can't figure out another way I can do this stupid training without getting weapon dyslexia. I sighed, knocking my head against the brick wall. I felt utterly and completely hopeless.

"Yes!! Thank you!! You're the best!" I hear Artemis shout to Athena, before I hear a set of rapid footsteps. The footsteps stopped, and it, Artemis whispered to somebody, who whispered back. Probably to get you another trainer so she doesn't have to deal with you, my mind whispered. I closed my eyes shut, and heard a whole hoard of footsteps leaving the field. Scraping across the floor, I felt the place empty as people went out.

I secretly opened my eyes to see what the gods was happening?

Everyone was indeed leaving except Artemis, who was scooting everybody out. I stood up, ideally confused.

"Uh, Artemis? Why is everyone leaving?"I wonder out loud, as I head towards her direction.

"Because," she turns back to look at me, "we're gonna train."

"But... haven't we been doing that?"

She shook her head, "No. That was not training. Thaat was wasting precious time, which we can't afford."

I looked at her confused, "What are you saying?"

She gave me a small smile, "I'm training you the proper way." And with that she put a shield in front of her and said, "Looks like the only way o get you to hit on point is if your in control and your confident. Meaning," she moved the shield in a circle, "no distractions. Just focus."

She put a noodle sticking out of the shield, " I need you to grab the noodle and hold on to it."

She peeped her head out from the shield, "Got it?" I nodded, shaping my hands in a circle position to snatch the green swimming noodle.

She poke it out, I made a grab. She pulled it back in, and my arm hit the metal shield. "Sweet Mother of Hercules, that hurts!" I say, rubbing my arm. "Remember, no distractions," Artemis reminded me.

Again she stuck the noodle out and I waited, the noodle still sticking out. Finally I made a grab for it, it slipped back in. I sighed in annoyance. This was getting me very heated, as in angry heat. She stuck it out, and I desperately grabbed for it. It went in. I growled in anger.

She stuck it out again, and this time I waited, and this time my eyes looked at the situation differently. It was like from a telescope glass, clear yet far away. But I could see the green thing clear as day. My hands burned with a heavy invisible force but I felt it forming. And I felt the time where Artemis was going to pull it back in, and I made my move. I gripped it with all my strength and I pulled it. I pulled the entire noodle from Artemis' grasp. And I could feel her gasp in shock.

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