Part 18

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Ryujin's mother always got a way to get away with it. That evening, she ran away from the house through the window and nobody knew where she was. Nobody even saw her leave. Ryujin decided to always live her life with the fear that her mother could come back and possibly kill her. She knew in her heart that she couldn't be with Lia for a long time because that would put her in danger. Her mother was a tyrant and couldn't care less about others. While eating dinner that night at Lia's house, Ryujin decided to finally tell her the truth that bothered her.

"Lia, I really need to tell you something, well, I need to ask you something."
"Tell me."
"I don't think you should be with someone like me."
Lia put her spoon down and stared at the girl carefully. She was confused why this kind of question would even be brought up.
"Why would you say that Ryu?"
"You're not safe with me. My mother."
"I don't care, I'll always be by your side."
"You can even die if you're with me Lia!"
"I'd rather be dead than not be with you!"
"But Lia..."
"Ryujin, I'm not leaving you."
"Are you sure?"
"Very sure, I'm positive."
"Thank you."
"I love you Ryujin."
"I love you more Jisu." Ryujin smiled but felt sharp pain in her. She worried about Lia too much.

Ryujin's behavior over the days, however, became weirder and weirder.

One day it went like this:
"Let's go out Ryujin!"
"I have to finish up some work, sorry!"
And some days like this:
"Can you come over my place Ryu?"
"I need to do something Lia, sorry!"

Lia almost felt as if she was being avoided by Ryujin which really hurt her. Even at school, Ryujin would turn hallway if she say Lia approaching her. She was definitely avoiding Lia. Lia had no idea of the reason and there was no way Ryujin would tell her.

"Hey Ryujin, can we talk?" Lia grabbed her hand before Ryujin could run away again.
"How about later? I have to finish something up."
"No, we need to talk now, please."
Ryujin looked around, "Okay, but not here." Ryujin took Lia to a covered area of a construction site, where nobody could find them.
Lia was a bit surprised. "Why here?"
"Tell me what you wanted to say." Ryujin sounded impatient.
"Why are you acting like this now?"
"What do you mean?"
"Why are you avoiding me all the time Ryujin? Why won't you talk to me or why do you run away from me?"
"That was not my intention Lia."
"Well it seemed like it, what's wrong?"
"I can't tell you, I have to go."
"What the hell Ryujin, even now, you're running away!" Lia grabbed her arm and saw Ryujin squeal a bit and a tear left her eye.
"I'm really sorry it seems like that Lia but please give me some time. I'll be able to explain soon."
"Tell me now, please Ryu."
"I really have to go Lia, leave my arm."
"Please just tell me what's bothering you." Lia started crying.
"Please, I need to go Lia." Ryujin her arm out of Lia's clutch and stepped away. That's when Lia saw some blood drip down Ryujin's sleeve, and then onto her hand.
"Wait, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hold your arm that tight, I'm so sorry Ryujin."
"It's not your fault, I- I will explain later." Ryujin ran away.

Lia felt terrible about what she did later that evening. She didn't see Ryujin for the next few days which made her even more worried and it hurt her heart. It scared her that maybe it was something to do with her. One evening, when returning from school, she saw Ryujin at her front door, sitting on the stairs in front of it. She ran quickly to give her a hug. She started crying immediately on the spot, they both did.

"Ryujin, where were you!"
"I had to finish something."
"Why did you leave without telling me or why didn't you call me or anything!"
"I'm sorry, I won't leave again."
"Please don't, I felt like I went insane. But why did you go?"
"Can we sit inside and then I'll explain."
"Of course." Lia opened her door and they settled down.

"Okay so, it's regarding my family." Ryujin said softly.
"My mother and her new boyfriend had reported to the police about my custody and some legal actions had to be taken."
"What happened?"
"They've been sent to jail for their whole life and no bail will get them out. They were also thieves and part of a gang a while back. It was a lot to digest." Ryujin finally smiled.
"Are you safe now?"
"I am."
Lia started crying and hugged Ryujin again.
"You have no idea how happy this made me, to know you can finally live in peace."
"I know."

Later that night, Lia brought up the topic again.

"Ryujin, I'm sorry about shouting at you like that a few days ago. I really didn't mean to."
"It's okay! I know you didn't mean to."
"Why was your arm bleeding like that? Did I hold you too hard?"
"It wasn't because of you, you know what happens every time I meet my mother right."
"You're okay now though right?"
"I'm more than okay now."
"I love you Ryujin."
"I love you Jisu."


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