Part 16

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Still Lia POV

"I hate this." I complained as I scratched my head. I was stuck on my Physics homework didn't understand anything which made me regret not listening in class. I only had that day left to do it AND it would be assessed. I hated every bit of it and started scratching my head aggressively. My phone suddenly started buzzing, Ryujin was calling me.

"Hey Ryu, what's up?"
"I think you should tell me what's up."
"I've been staring at you from my window for the past ten minutes, you seem like you need help. You've been scratching your head for five minutes now."
"Oh, you saw that?" I laughed and felt embarrassed at the same time.
"What are you trying to do?"
"Physics homework, it's so difficult."
"Physics? I can help you out if you want."
"You can?"
"I'm actually pretty good at Physics."
"Thank you thank you, please can you come over?"
"Of course, I'll be there in a few minutes."

Thanks to Ryujin I'll pass my assignment.

Ryujin POV

I made my way to Lia's house which was a good twenty seconds walk away from mine. Her mother opened the door for me.

"Good afternoon Mrs Choi." I bowed down and greeted her.
"Oh, hello Ryujin, it's so good to see you again! How have you been?"
"I've been pretty good, thank you."
"Great great, good to hear, please come in. Was Lia expecting you?"
"Thank you, yes she was."
"She's upstairs, what a good friend to come and help her out." She said as she left me.

In that moment, I realized, well remembered that I'm not Lia's friend, I'm her girlfriend. The thought of it made me blush as I made my way upstairs.

"How's my Jisu doing!" I said as I opened the door.
"Ryujinnie, you're here!" She immediately got up from her seat to greet me with a hug. The hug was long until I pulled away and asked about what she needed help with. She showed me a pile of papers which were her Physics assignments. I looked in shock at how much work she needed to do.

"Lia, did you leave everything last minute?"
"I.. yes I did."
I cleared my throat, "let's start then."

I first explained her the whole theory and everything she needed to know. That took about two hours. I knew Lia was already exhausted but she still needed to finish her work. After a few minutes, when we started on the homework, I noticed her staring at me and not her work.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.
"You're very beautiful." She said as she continued looking.
I couldn't help but smile, "you know you're the prettiest person I know."
"But you're the prettiest person I know." Lia said as she flung her arms around me. She kissed me on my cheek and almost fell asleep.
"Hey, hey, Lia, let's get this done first?"
"Fine." She yawned. Yeah, Physics wasn't her thing.

Finally after another two hours, we finished everything. Lia was tired, I was tired.

"We did it!" She jumped from her seat and cheered. I stood up to hug her, "finally!" We hugged for a while until Lia's mother entered the room with a tray of tea and biscuits. Lia and I noticed that she noticed us hugging which didn't look like a friendly hug. More like a hug that people in love would do. She was a bit startled but decided not to talk about it. I knew she'd have questions for Lia. We both separated a bit and sat down to enjoy the tea. Lia laughed awkwardly and I just smiled.

"You don't think she found it weird right?" I asked her as her mother closed the door behind.
"I'll have to wait for dinner and see." She raised an eyebrow.
"I hope it will be fine."
"I'm actually sorry." Lia said randomly.
"I didn't tell her you're my girlfriend, I didn't tell my parents."
"That's okay, take your time."
"I'm actually worried about her reaction."
"Does she not like me?"
"No, she really likes, naturally, but I think she'd be shocked that I have a girlfriend and not a boyfriend."
"Oh, I see."
"I think she'll understand, I mean, I love you so it shouldn't matter."
I smiled hoping things would go right for her. I couldn't afford to lose Lia.


Ryujin left after tea and I couldn't thank her enough. She couldn't stay for dinner as she had some of her own homework to finish. I turned around after closing the door for her and saw my mother waiting for me for dinner.

"So what did you guys do?" My father asked. My mother looked at him and nodded.
"Ryujin just helped me understand the Physics homework, she's really smart." I said truthfully.
"Are you two friends?" My mother asked, I knew where this was going.
"Yes we're friends."
"But are you two just friends?"
"Why are you asking mom?"
"Just tell me. We need to know. Are you two together or something."
"I- yes, Ryujin's my girlfriend." I decided not to hide the truth, it could hurt Ryujin.
"So you don't like guys?" My father asked.
"I don't like anyone, I just like Ryujin."
"Lia, we want both of you to be happy but you know how hard this kind of relationship can be right?" My mother was right.
"I understand, but you don't have to worry."
"Are you happy with her?"
"Do you love her?"
"Then ask Ryujin to stay for dinner next time." My parents smiled.
"Thank you both, this means a lot." I eased up a bit.

Later that night, I called Ryujin to tell her the good news. It felt as if a huge weight was removed from my shoulders. I still had to tell Yeji, Yuna and Chaeryoung though...

Thank You || JinLia ffWhere stories live. Discover now