Part 8

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Still Lia POV

I woke up on a Monday morning by the sound of my fifteenth alarm. I turned around and looked at the clock.


I jumped, changed into my uniform, stuffed my face with yogurt and grabbed what was already packed in my bag. I ran as fast as I could. How could I oversleep? Will this affect my perfect attendance record?

I finally made it after what seemed like an hour long run. When entering my class, Yuna, Yeji and Chaeryoung gave me a weird look. The type of look that said, 'bro what?' I tried to smile it off and sat down. Mr Kim seemed a bit disappointed as he expected me to always be on time. I apologized of course, but I don't think he accepted it. I look to my side to find Ryujin perfectly on time though.

She smiled and waved at me. It looked adorable. I smiled and waved back at her. I felt like a mess. I didn't know which class I was in, I didn't know what time it was, I didn't know where I was, heck, I didn't even know who I was. My head kept on spinning from that run. I kept panting and Ryujin noticed. She passed me a new bottle of water. I gestured a 'thank you' and drank the whole bottle.

Of course, how could I forget, Yuna, Yeji and Chaeryoung sitting next to me and watching this whole situation. I turned to them slowly and found them smirking. Yeji even raised her eyebrows. I glared that them hoping they'd stop and continued with what I was supposed to be doing.

At the end of class, my group of very annoying friends pulled me closer and questioned me on whatever happened that morning.

"Why are you so late Lia, what happened?" Yuna asked very loudly.
"I just overslept, nothing much." I laughed back.
"But you never oversleep, I'm shocked Lia." Chaeryoung added.
"Yeah, it's not like you at all." Yeji added.
"Sure you're not a smart student but at least you were always on time!" Yuna teased.
"Hey you watch that!" I said as I tickled her.

"Hey Lia!"

I turned over to find a composed, shy girl looking at me. Ryujin.

"Hi Ryujin!" I smiled brightly. I realized she felt a bit uncomfortable around my friends. I looked at them and signaled them to smile back.

"Yes, so I just wanted to say hi and give you the notes from the class you missed." She said as she passed me a file, she was blushing too.
"Aww, that's so nice of you Ryujin. Thank you so much!"
"This is nothing compared to what you've done for me. No problem Lia. I'll see you sometime soon then!" She walked away.

"Oh so you and Ryujin are quite close now." Yeji stated.
"Yeah we are because we're neighbors."
"Are you sure it's because of that."
"Yah, Yeji! Stop thinking whatever you're thinking! It's just because we're neighbors and became friends!"
"I think Ryujin has a crush on you." Chaeryoung said.
"What makes you think that?"
"Well she's always trying to find you and she seems so happy with you. Plus she's always blushing around you." She added.
"She's just shy, there's nothing else going on."
"Think whatever you want to think." Yuna shrugged.

I noticed throughout the day that Ryujin would try to get glances of me whenever I was not looking at her. Okay, so we looked at each other a lot, so? Doesn't mean anything. Besides I've known Ryujin for a really short amount of time. She wasn't stupid to have a crush on someone like me. And I was sure I didn't like her in that way at all. I just wanted to be her friend because she needed one. I knew that if I told the whole story to my friends, they'd stopping teasing me about it but that would be breaking Ryujin's trust. I didn't want that happening.

And also because um....

I kind of like it when they ship us.


I need to get to class.

Back to 3rd person

Lia was placing her books into her locker and noticed Ryujin doing the same. She couldn't help but stare at Ryujin. Well after all, Ryujin was a very pretty girl if she just lifted her head a bit. Not long after, Lia and Ryujin found themselves staring at each other. Lia turned away and Ryujin did the same, looking more flustered though. Lia was sure she didn't like Ryujin in that way at all.

Ryujin wasn't sure anymore.

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