Part 15

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Lia was worried. Ryujin never came back the next day, or the day after. She didn't even come that day after that. She knew something bad happened and couldn't control her tears.

She left her house, without informing anybody and went to find Ryujin. She had to. Luckily, she asked Ryujin for the address before she left.

She drove off to the mother's house and became even more worried when she noticed that the house was empty. She searched for a neighbour or anyone that knew what happened.

She spotted an old lady sitting outside. She ran up to her.

"Hello miss, do you happen to have any idea where the people in that house went?"

"Do you know them dear?"

"I don't know them personally but their daughter is my friend. I'm looking for her."

"Her parents got arrested and the daughter is in the local hospital."

"The hospital? Do you know what happened?"

"Sorry dear, I don't."

"Thank you miss."

So Lia ran to the local hospital. What happened to her? Why was she in the hospital? Is she alright?

"Excuse, could you tell me which room Shin Ryujin is in?" Lia asked the receptionist.
"Um yes, one minute. Room 107. And visitors are allowed."
"Thank you so much."


Ryujin please be okay. I knocked on the door and the nurse on duty allowed me to come in. Ryujin was sleeping. Seeing her sleep peacefully eased my heart. Her head was bandaged though. There was so many different types of tubes and whatnot attached to her. It hurt to see her like that.

I sat next to her and waited for her to wake up. I silently cried as I waited. A few hours had passed and she finally opened her eyes. I wiped the tears off my face.

She turned to me. "Lia. You're here."
"How are you?"
"I'm better. Actually much better."
"That's good, I'm glad." All I could do was smile.
Ryujin stayed silent for a while and for the first time, it felt a bit awkward. I placed my hand on top of hers and gently rubbed it.
"Does your head hurt to much?" I asked, trying to end the silence.
"It does, but it's okay." I saw that she was uncomfortable and removed her hand. I understood why she acted the way she did.
"Sorry for making you uncomfortable Ryujin."
"No you're not, I'm just trying to comprehend what happened in the past few days."
"I understand, I heard they went to jail?"
"They did." She finally smiled.
"That's good, I'm really happy for you."
"Yeah, Lia..."
"I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"For making things weird."
"How did you make things weird Ryu?"
"The thing I told you before I left."

Oh, she meant her sudden confession.

"You didn't make things awkward at all."
"Are you sure?"
"Actually, I thought my feeling were obvious." I said as I looked down.
"They were?" She was surprised. "I don't understand."
"Yes?" She was really confused, how did she not understand?
"I love you."

She was shocked and her eyes grew wide.

"I love you so much Ryu, and will always love you."

"Lia I-, I don't- what-" She was clearly flustered. She cleared her throat and confidently said, "I love you too."
I smiled and caressed her hair.
"Why do you love me though?" She asked me randomly.
"Because I love you."
She sat up straight. "I'm a nobody, I don't even have a stable family. I'm weak and useless, I'm so boring to be around. So I'm confused."
"Don't say that because you will always be a somebody, you will always have my family. You are so so so much stronger than tou think and how dare you think you're useless. You know, I love everything about you. I love spending time with you, I love being around you. I even love thinking about you. I can't live without you."
And Ryujin started crying. I didn't mean for her to cry but I knew she wasn't sad. I pulled her in for a hug and she hugged back. We stayed like that for a few minutes until the nurse came to pick some files and whatnot.

Ryujin got discharged after a few days and I made sure she didn't leave me. One night, we went for a stroll at Ryujin's favourite place, the place everything really started, the riverside. We just walked at our own pace until she held my hand. She stuttered for bit but then got everything together.
"Choi Jisu, will you be my mine?"
I smiled and looked at how sincerely she said it. "No." I teased her.
"Aww why." I disappointed her.
"Because you're already mine Shin Ryujin." She covered her face in embarrassment.
I kissed her on the cheek which made her blush even more.

That night, I thought about how much pain Ryujin went through and how surprising it is for her to be loved by someone. I mean, how shocking it was for her when she realized that people do love her.

I'll make sure everyone loves her.

Well, I always want the best for her.

Thank You || JinLia ffWhere stories live. Discover now