Part 17

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Back to 3rd person

A few weeks had passed and everything seemed to be going well. Lia and Ryujin were really happy together, Ryujin's family troubles eased up a bit and they were comfortable with telling people about their relationship. Ryujin was finishing up some extra work she had for school and she and Lia had a dinner planned that evening. She was relaxed and enjoying her afternoon until she got a knock on her door. She wasn't expecting anyone that day so she was confused.

She opened the door and she wished she never did.

"Hello Ryujin, long time no see."

It was her mother.

Ryujin's face wrote fear all over it when she saw the cruel woman in front of her. She had shorter hair than last time but still wore the ugly smile.

"I thought you were in jail." Ryujin said as her voice trembled.
"That's no way to greet your mother, I thought I taught you better."
"Please, why do you come back to my all the time? I know you hate me and have nothing to do with me, why come back? Why can't you just stay away from me?"
"I like having a child I can hit." Her mother laughed.
"You are actually sick." Ryujin's tone tensed up.
"How about we play the usual game again then?"
"Please, leave me alone. Why are you wasting your time again?"
"My boyfriend broke up with me."
"That's your fault. He broke up with me because of you."
"What did I do?"
"How about you speak a little nicer to your mother, you piece of crap." Her mother swung her hand across Ryujin's face.

It left a red imprint on her face. A tear left Ryujin's eye when her mother pushed her inside the house. She threw Ryujin to the floor and slapped her again. History felt like it was repeating itself, just as things seemed to get better. Her mother stormed up to her room where she found a few pictures on the bed side table. They were framed pictures of Ryujin and Lia. Ryujin looked in horror as her mother knocked down all the frames. She really hoped Lia wouldn't get dragged into her family problems.

"And who is this girl?" Her mother asked as she turned.
"She is just my friend, please leave her alone."
"Oh yeah? A friend? Where is she."
"Please, don't drag her into this mess."
"You shut up and talked to me respectfully."
Ryujin shut her mouth up knowing that nothing would work on her mother.

Ryujin POV

Why did this monster have to come back? Just to hit me again? Definitely. She picked up the bar of wood that was on the side of my bed. It was a part that broke off a long time ago. Just as I tried to back away, she hit my hip with the wood, making me fall to the ground. I couldn't get up, I most likely broke my hip. My window and curtains were closed so there was no way Lia could hear or see what was happening. I tried getting up again until I felt the monster's foot on my back, she was crushing my spine.

"Because I like seeing you in pain."

Her phone started ringing. Some random man started calling, probably a new boyfriend, and she switched her voice to a calmer and nicer tone. It sounded disgusting. I took the opportunity to run outside my house. My mother didn't notice me leaving because she went into another room to take her call. I locked the front door so she wouldn't come out. I walked up to Lia's front door and frantically knocked on it.


All of a sudden, I heard loud knocking on my door, I immediately rushed and wish I didn't see what I saw. Ryujin was standing there with one hand on her hip and her face fully red and cuts all over her face. Her t-shirt had ripped in the area she kept her hand and it seemed like someone hit her really badly. She could barely stand up straight.

"Ryujin, what happened?" My voice trembled seeing her like that.
"It's her."
"She came back?"

I placed her on the couch and tried to calm her down.

"Lia, I think I broke my hip and spine." She even struggled to lie down.
"Let's go the hospital, right now."
"No no, can we wait for some time, she's still in my house, if she finds me leave with you, she'll hurt you too."
"I don't care if she hurts me, I need you to be safe first."
"If you got hit by her, I'd never forgive myself, please."
I relaxed a bit and became patient.
"Why couldn't she just kill me. Why does she always come back. I hate living this life in fear." Ryujin started crying a lot.
"Please don't cry Ryu, I'm going to make sure she gets the punishment she deserves."
"I don't think that will ever be possible."
"I'm going to make her life a living hell, how dare she treat you like this." I was very frustrated. That woman was insane for doing this to Ryujin.

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