Part 13

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"Lia, I think I'll go to sleep now. I'm really tired and dizzy. I won't be able to wake up for school if I don't sleep now." Ryujin said as she got up from the couch.

"You are not going anywhere tomorrow! You need to rest and you're in terrible condition right now. You need to rest."

"It's okay I can manage, I always do."

"No, don't worry about school right now. You're not in good condition."

"Okay then." Ryujin gave in. She sounded upset.

"I can stay with you if you want." Lia suggested, hoping Ryujin would smile after hearing that. She did.

"No, don't skip school because of me, I'd feel bad. I'll manage by myself, and besides, I need the notes too!"

"If you say so."

"Thanks Lia."

"For what?"

"For everything."

Lia blushed. "Thank you too, Ryujin."


"For everything." She smiled. "Okay then, I'll get going. Sleep well Ryu."

"Bye Lia, you too."

Ryujin POV

I wish I could just let all my feelings out. Tell Lia how much I love her. There's no way she feels the same way though so I can't risk our friendship. Besides, I'm not going to last for long if my mother beats me up like this one more time. Maybe I should give up.

I went to sleep. My head felt heavy the next morning but that's because of all the pain and crying. I woke up at around 11. It was late but I did sleep very late so it's fine.

An hour later, I got a call from Lia.

"Hi Lia."
"Hey Ryujin, how was your sleep?"
"It was okay."
"Please take the medications I left on your table and take it easy."
"Thank you, I will."
"I hope you feel better soon."
"Thank you Lia."
"I'll come as soon as possible, see you later Ryu."
"See you Lia."

Back to 3rd person

"Hey where's Ryujin today Lia?" Yuna, Yeji and Chaeryoung asked as Lia ended the call.
"Oh, she's not feeling too well so she didn't come today."
"In my opinion, Ryujin's kinda weird." Yeji said.
"Why would think that?" Lia seemed a bit offended.
"Because she's so distant, she only talks to you."
"Maybe she's not comfortable around some people, she probably has her reasons."
"Or maybe she likes you Lia." Yeji smirked.
"There's no way."
"Do you like her?" Chaeryoung asked.
"I don't in that way." Lia laughed it off.

She understood her friends didn't mean anything bad but still didn't like the way they mocked Ryujin. They had no idea how terrible life really is.

At the end of the day, Lia rushed over to Ryujin's place. She opened the door which was unlocked and found Ryujin lying down on her bed like a starfish. She looked adorable.

"Aww, you look so cute Ryu." Lia smiled.
Ryujin was embarrassed. She quickly got up, "Oh you saw that-"
"It's okay, it was adorable."
"At least I didn't look stupid."
"I brought lunch for you. Tteokbokki and chicken."
"Thank you so much Lia, I was starving. Did you eat yet?"
"Not yet."
"Eat with me then."
"I'll get some plates."
"You're the best Lia."

Ryujin POV

We ate the food Lia brought and it was delicious. She knew it was my favourite. I wanted to tell her something but I knew she'd get mad.

"Lia I need to tell you something."
"Yeah? Tell me."
"M-my mother called."
"What did she say." I noticed Lia got tensed.
"She's wants me to stay wherever she and her boyfriend lives now."
"For how long?"
"Just for the day, some land checkers or whatever are coming that day."
"Don't go, you can stay with me." She looked serious.
"I don't know how to say no to my mother."
"I'll say no for you."
"I don't want my mother beating you up to."
"I don't care if she does, I don't want you to stay with her."
"It will be for one day, it will be fine. Nothing bad will happen."
"When will you have to go?"
"Um.. day after tomorrow."
"Ryujin, it's not safe."
"I have to though."
"You're in terrible condition. It's not safe. Please don't go."
"I'm sorry Lia, my mother will kill me if I don't."
"Then will you promise to call me before you sleep and text every now and then?"
"I promise."

Lia cared for me so much. It hurt me to see her hurt.

"You'll come back safe right Ryu?"

"Yes I will."

"With that witch, anything can happen in one day."

"I know."

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