Part 2

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Over the next few days, the mysterious Shin Ryujin didn't show up. The teacher and class assumed she was on vacation and was coming back late or something. Nobody really bothered calling or cared, they continued with classes. Lia and her friends were still trying to get used to the new school's design and walked to the cafeteria during lunch time. They bought the 'organic' pasta being sold and were quite impressed by how good it was.

"Not too bad at all actually." Yuna said delightedly.
"I agree, I'd actually eat it again." The rest agreed.
"Hey guys, you think Shin Ryujin will ever show up?" Lia asked sincerely.
"Why are you worried?" Yeji replied.
"Oh just like that."
"Well, she's already missed a lot of school so it doesn't really matter."
"Maybe you're right."

The next day at school, someone did show up. Lia got to school earlier that day and decided to go to her form class early. She was surprised to see that the usual empty seat was not empty this time. A black bag was placed on it. Did Shin Ryujin show up? Lia kept thinking. There was still a few minutes before registration.

After about half an hour, Mr Kim started registration.
"And let's, is Shin Ryujin here today?" He looked over at the seat. Just as he said that, a girl opened the door and entered the class. She looked down, not making eye contact with anyone.
"Sorry for being late Sir." She said. Mr Kim told her to take her seat.
She walked next to Lia's desk and removed her bag. Lia's eyes grew wide as she noticed that she was the mysterious Shin Ryujin. What also shocked her was that Shin Ryujin was the bakery girl. The one she met a while ago.
"So today for the first time, we have a full class. Perfect. Okay so guys, talk among yourselves for a few minutes while I go get something from the staff room."
Lia got up and walked over to Ryujin. Yuna, Yeji and Chaeryoung looked at her as she asked the girl a question. Since when did Lia know Ryujin? They all thought.
"Hi Ryujin. Do you remember me?" Lia smiled.
Ryujin looked up gently. "I'm sorry, I can't remember."
"That's okay, I'm Lia, we briefly met at the bakery a while back."
"Oh we did."
"Yes, it's your first day right? If you need help, you can ask me."
"Thank you, I'll be fine though."
Lia sat back down as Mr Kim entered the class again.

During lunch time, the trio asked Lia how she knew Ryujin.
"Oh, I just recommended some bread for her at the bakery a few days ago. I didn't even get her name on anything so I had no idea she was Shin Ryujin."
"Okay, makes sense then. Let's go to the cafeteria then shall we?" Chaeryoung added.

At the cafeteria, Lia noticed that Ryujin was sitting all alone. She didn't have any food with her, she just drew. Maybe she's an artist? Lia thought. She also noticed that Ryujin looked upset, or rather disturbed. She was reluctant at first, but then decided that she wasn't going to bother Ryujin. Maybe she likes being alone or maybe this is the only time she gets to relax. Lia sat down with her friends and chowed down on the same pasta they loved the other day. The trio noticed that Lia kept on glancing at Ryujin. They wondered why Lia took such an interest in some random girl.

Ryujin even walked alone at the end of the day. She was so lonely, well that's what Lia thought.

"Hey Ryujin, me again. Do you want a lift?"
"Oh, Lia, no thank you."
"Okay then, get home safe."

"Thank you."

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