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michael took good care of me in his old home. he would bring me food and water and allow me to rest on his bed.

i thought my purpose was michaels mental health and my duty to help and care for him when in reality he's doing it to me.
this is me, the person i was supposed to become all along.

loomis was only a tool this entire time and thanks to him im finally living happily with michael.

me and michael both knew loomis would eventually come back, and we were ready for that confrontation.
i felt nothing to be worried about, i felt 100% safe with michael.

"michael..." i muttered weakly. "we need to get rid of loomis if we want to clear my name from you." i said barely worrying about the next plans would be if the whole world was against us.

"after we're good i can work and provide for us." i pouted and held his face in my hands.
he just shook his head and wrote to me: you can't go out to work, you'll be busy with me

"i'm gonna be busy with you all day everyday?!" i asked. he nodded and pulled me into his arms and squeezing me tight. i blushed and melted in his hold.

"michael you can't keep me here forever, we need to think of a plan." i say and kissed his silicone masked lips.
he lowly growled at the the thought of me leaving.

he just his last note back and circled the part where he wrote you can't go out.

i rolled my eyes knowing i couldn't be mad at him for long. no matter if he was being controlling.
"whatever michael, you know i'll do anything for you and you take advantage of me." i say calling him out.

he wrote back to me,
you act like you don't do the same thing because i can't kill you

i gasped and leave his arms feeling annoyed. he softly chuckled and wrote another note.
you can't change me (y/n), so stop trying to use yourself to your advantage.

he peeled his mask off and gave me a kiss on the forehead and lips.
as he was kissing me i was thinking, this whole thing did start off at me wanting to genuinely help michael. but everything feels so different now.

michael trailed his lips down my neck, making me shiver.

"michael you're right, i'm so sorry michael." i tear up. he stared at me looking confused.

i pull him into a hug and hold him tight. "from now on it's me and you against everyone else. however you want to live it's okay with me, as long as im with you." i smile. he smiled back at me and pressed more kisses on my cheek.

"i love you" i heard him whisper at me which caught me off guard. i flushed red and felt too lovestruck to speak back. i just enjoyed his hold he had on my smaller body.

this felt right. michael and i against the world.
the world frowns on our love yet we ended up together anyway, like we were destined to be with each other. i wasn't sure my actual affect on michaels mind i had but i'm glad i could be his peace.

you, i, and everything else (michael myers x reader)Where stories live. Discover now