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i haven't seen michael in 2 weeks now. i found a new job at a local clinic as a receptionist. sure the job paid me really well but it was also boring as shit.
"help! please! my friend was shot! she's dying!!" a girl came in, struggling to hold her friend in her arms.
i rang up one of the doctors who wasn't busy with anything. him and a few murders came out and immediately to take the girl into their care.

usually clinics don't bother with people who have lots of physical damage, but with michael out during halloween, we had lots of cases and had to take lots in.

hmmm michael. i sighed remembering our good times hanging out at smiths grove. i wonder how he's feeling right now.

my thoughts were interrupted by someone walking inside. someone very familiar.

"(y/n)? is that you?" his funny voice asked in surprise. i rolled my eyes.
"can i help you samuel?" i called him by his first name.

he sighed and came closer to the desk asking about all the recent reports of michaels victims who came in.

"sorry sir i can't give you that kind of information." i say sternly. seeing his face turn from worry to annoyance made me smile.
"(y/n) what happened to you? why did you leave the internship?? how come you didn't stay with me?" he asked multiple questions within one breath.

"i don't give a fuck about any of that anymore. after you clearly stated that your book is more important, i lost respect from you." i glared at him and began fiddling with my pen on the desk.

"(y/n), i need your help. i'm sorry i left but i'm back. we need to stop michael and i know where he's off to next." he said sounding more seriously.
"his sister, her name is laurie strode. on halloween night a couple of her friends were killed by michael. it's only a matter of time before he targets her."

"what's your plan?" i asked him. he smiled at the fact that i seemed interested but in all i just wanted to see michael again.
"we get to laurie and soon enough michael will come. i'm almost sure of it." he said. i nodded my head remembering the name laurie strode for later purposes.

"well good luck with that sammy!" i reach my hand over for a high-five.
he looked at my hand confusingly before high giving me awkwardly.
"you're not coming (y/n)?" i shook my head. "i can't i have to be here until late but if you end up hurt or anything you're welcome here." i joked... sorta.

dr loomis hummed and glared at me. as if he was suspecting something. "come with me to strode's house tonight so we can put an end to michael myers. i'm still going to do this with or without you.." he told me sounding mischievous all of a sudden. i groan "fine old man, but you better compensate me. i don't work for free."

i left the clinic saying i had an emergency to deal with and left with loomis still wearing my clinic uniform and had nothing with me except my wallet.

we came to the strode residence and a young girl opened the door for us.

"ms. strode thank you for allowing me to meet with you." said dr loomis. i felt anxious being around michaels sister and his piece of shit doctor. it felt like i was betraying him by coming along.

"of course did you want to come inside?" she offered with a warm smile. i shook my head no while loomis shook his yes.

"doctor?? are you stupid, michaels going to come this way, we need to leave somewhere where he can't find us." i say as a matter of fact and rolled my eyes. my anxiety started feeling worse, as if i could feel a dangerous presence.

"don't worry (y/n), i am properly armed. now may we?" he asked laurie to be let in and she allowed us to walk inside.

we all sat down at kitchen table discussing our game plan. to be honest i just wanted to see how this went down, i knew michael probably wouldn't stop at nothing until laurie was dead but i held hope that we would all be okay.

"my friends all died last night, i seen him though... the boogeyman." laurie shared. i could tell she was stressing over finding out she was the sister of michael myers.

i put a hand on her shoulder, feeling how tense she actually was.
"don't worry laurie, we'll make sure nothing happens to you." i said. i still felt conflicted feelings about michael but i couldn't bare to think about a young girl dying just because she happened to be related to him.

she forced a small smile at me and nodded.

hours passed by and no signs of michael. thankfully laurie's parents came home just in time as loomis decided we should leave.

"we've discussed emergency exits and how to react if michael were to come. please take caution and dial the police if anything happens. i'll be here first thing in the morning." loomis told laurie's parents and shook their hands.
i smile and nod at the parents on my way out.
"you think michael will be coming tonight loomis?" i asked curiously. loomis thought about it before shamefully nodding.

"he's not going to stop until she's dead, (y/n)." loomis said right before we arrived to his car.
i got in and he took me home.
"there would absolutely be nothing else michael could possibly be thinking right now, than to kill his sister." he spoke in absolute confidence. i wasn't happy about that answer, but deep down i knew it was true.

"thanks for the ride loomis, this experience makes me feel like we're actually helping people. please keep me updated on what happens." i say honestly with a sad smile.
"of course, (y/n). if you ever decide to come back with the internship, it is always welcomed to you." loomis told me, sounding hopeful.

"i'll think about it. thanks doctor." i got out of his car and went inside my house.

my thoughts were overwhelming me and i felt tired.
i threw my wallet on the counter and walked to my bedroom, slowing taking off my clinic uniform in the process.
i felt so lost in thought my i had tunnel vision.

i didn't notice the two large hands wrap around my throat.

you, i, and everything else (michael myers x reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora