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i ran to the store and bought things i thought would be essential for michael, like some body wash, tooth brush, some clothes, and i even got him his own journal to write down anything he feels like (along with some pens).

i was excited to come back home and show michael all the things i got. when i arrived back inside my house i just felt an empty presence.

"michael?" i call out, hoping he was still here. he wasn't.
i felt a pang of heartbreak which i refused to admit. a small part of me had hoped he'd come back later in the day.

i set down everything and immediately get ready for work. i had nothing else keeping me home, so i decided to go in early.

it was a slow day and no one really came in. the town seemed pretty chill. no sign of michael.

laurie on the other hand, insisted on stopping by to the clinic so she can talk about michael.

"okay so for next halloween i'm thinking we lay out traps.." i stopped listening half way, zoning out and thinking about michael.
my mind buzzed, wanting to know what he's doing right now. not killing probably, maybe...
how thrilling.
"(y/n) what do you think?" she finished her rant and looked at me. i nod my head but then pondered her plan for a quick second from what she told me.

"i don't think michael is gonna wait till next halloween before he starts looking again." i say honestly. she frowned.
"are you saying for the rest of my life i have to live in fear?" her tone changed all serious.
"laurie he's unpredictable and smart. he can strike at any time if he wanted to." i tell her. there was no other way to describe michael, he was really smart and plotted his killings accordingly.

"well in that case i better start setting traps around my house." she sounded determined to go to the means to keep herself safe, which is something i admired but knew one day it would get to the best of her.

laurie then said goodbye and left me here at the clinic just sitting at my desk.
i decided to clean out my drawers since there was nothing else to do.

i threw out some old papers, broken pencils, and i stumble over my old diary. i had been writing in it ever since i came here for my internship, ever since i worked with dr. loomis.

i decided to update it finally:

michael myers, the shape, the boogeyman

i've never met a man like this in my entire life, a man with such a complexed mind.

i've built trust in him and he communicated to me via writing saying he could not kill me.
assuming he means his mind strongly goes against it even if it's desire to.
i've made it my number one goal to be able to help him. to figure out and cure those voices and thoughts in his head.

i'm not working with dr. loomis, this is my only chance.

i shut the book debating if i should take it home or not.
i end up leaving it here since i'll probably be bored lots of shifts and have time to write in there.

once my shift ends i call dr. loomis and we meet back up at my place. i didn't invite him in because i didn't want him snooping around michaels stuff. instead, he takes me for a drive to search for michael.

"(y/n), i think i've made a connection between you and michael." he told me straight off the bat.
i raise my eyebrows trying to not make anything obvious.
"what do you mean?" i chose my words and tone carefully in case he psychoanalyze me.

"he escaped moments after you became my assistant." he said. i hummed, "but i was your assistant for about a month before he escaped, surely that couldn't have triggered him during when he escaped." i say.

"you always treated him differently." he said with a darker tone. "excuse me doctor? what i recall is you bailing on michael just hours before he escaped." i raised my voice.

he stayed quiet. he was till suspicious of me i could tell. we drove around town some more looking for michael and saw no sign. eventually he dropped me off back home and left without another word to me.

once i walked up the stairs to get to my house i immediately felt the dark presence coming from inside.
i opened the door seeing my house trashed.

i groan and slam the door. i was really not in the mood.
"michael did you do this?!" i yelled out to the hallway. i heard his loud stomps walk over to me and looked down at me menacing.
my adrenaline ignored the fear i felt with that stare and i pushed him away from me. "i go to the store and you leave?! and then when i come home from work you do this?" i yelled. he let out a snarl and stabbed the wall.
he was getting frustrated but i was pissed.

"loomis is suspicious of me because he thinks you're doing this because of me!" i said. he tilted his head and looked at me.
he glared at me once i said the doctor's name. he grabbed my neck and slammed me on the floor. i grab at his wrist and dug my nails into them.
"you won't kill me." i said softly while still being choked.

he picked me up by my throat and threw me aside.
"i'm not like your asshole ex doctor. i'm a whole different person from that man." i say after coughing. he was breathing hard, like he was panicking.

"hey, i'm sorry it's okay." i say and pick myself up to go to him.
he looked at me staying in place. i walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

i dug my face to his chest and heard his rapid heartbeat. i rub his back until he starts to calm down. i sit him down on the couch and continue to caress him, feeling lucky he's allowing me to.

"i'm sorry for getting mad michael." i kiss his masked cheek. he took me in his arms and set me on his lap. i blushed feeling his meaty thighs on my ass.
he traced his hands over my waist and hips before wrapping them around me and pulling me into a hug.
i rested my head on his shoulder and enjoyed the warmth he was giving me.

eventually i fell asleep on him feeling safe around him although he did almost kill me.

just knowing he couldn't made me want to test the waters more without fearing if being killed.

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