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Days wasted on making things work, plotting out things, correcting yourself, improving yourself, improving your work and testing every possible scenario are not 'lost' days, they are 'used' days. They are the foundation of your future, if they don't exist, you might not get to the required future you want. You spend hours thinking what you want from the coming days but then you become sad that you've spent that important time doing nothing. But no, it's the time needed to spent on planning, reviewing the previous plans, what will work out, what will not. And here comes the important thing, assessment.

❝Don't just play the number game, but connect the contextual dots and focus on the overall
~Pearl Zhu, Digital Maturity: Take a Journey of a Thousand Miles from Functioning to Delight

Your work always needs a review to get it to the next level.

In the silent hour, the illumination from the computer screen is glistening in the dim room

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In the silent hour, the illumination from the computer screen is glistening in the dim room. The person working on the screen likes the room to be a little dimly lighted. Clicking on the mouse could be heard so clearly in the quiet room. The clicking shows how smooth his moves are when he is dedicated to his work.

Eyes landing on every detail on the screen, Jungkook takes a sip from the coffee mug beside him. It's his regular same hot espresso, which he drinks while working on and evaluating his work.

❝A picture is worth a thousand words.......and a video is worth a million pictures.....
~Ankala Subbarao

There were videos taken from the library that needed to be reconstructed before submitting the project. Every video showed a different sentiment of the people or corner present at the library. He again took a sip of the coffee and clicked on another video.

The person in the video was picking up various books from the shelves as the pile in her hands keeps on increasing.

The person in the video was picking up various books from the shelves as the pile in her hands keeps on increasing

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Jungkook paused it abruptly, blinking a little bit on what he saw. He rewinded the video a few seconds back and stopped again.

It's the same! I'm sure it's the same!

He clicked on the zoom button to focus on it a little bit. His eye balls glistened when he suddenly started searching his drawers. His moves were fast and unclear, not sure what they were finding. But as soon as he got the glimpse of what he wanted, he stopped and his heart skipped a beat. He took out those notes he found in the library, then started comparing them to the one focused on the screen.

"It's the same notepad page sticking out of that book."

"I need to find it!"

❝One good piece of content can change your life overnight.
~Anuj Jasani

~Anuj Jasani

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