The Spectacular Spider-Man

Start from the beginning

It was created the hour the Goblin broadcasted his young captives. It was given a lesser-known hero, whose Quirk could create ropes out of thin air. This was the contingency is Spider-Man didn't show up, and by the looks of events, they needed to use.

The hero smiled once he was told to exit the van, holding his false mask with blind confidence. "Finally, I never thought I'd get a chance." The white-haired hero grinned, stretching his back once he stepped outside. The police all stared at him, most were too focused to care about his careless antics.

"Domen, focus. You need to get in there and distract the villain, you don't need to save the kids, we can handle that." The chief explained, only needed the hero to keep the Hoblin away from the kids. If Domen could distract him long enough, the swat could rescue the kids.

"Don't sweat your horses' cop," Domen smirked, cracking his neck carefully with his hands. He raised his arm and created a large rope, and wrapped it around one of the metal rods in the buildings. The fake Spider-Man slowly pulled himself off the ground, not as easily or fast as Taeko could.

The cameras all turned their attention onto the climbing hero. Domen saw the flash of the helicopter light, and stopped climbing to wave at the crowds watching. The Goblin noticed the hero, and started to smile, building up his normal laughter. The distance between them and the dark night kept him from noticing that it was rope instead of webs.

Hideo instantly figured out this wasn't his hero, everything about him pointed against it. Domen was slow, he whipped his hand back to throw his rope, and he stopped to wave at the crowd. The real Spider-Man would never gloat or show off without achieving his goal at the same time. Sure, Taeko would pose for the camera, but only when everything had been cleared up and the lives were saved.

"That's not him." He whispered, leaning back in his seat.

Once Domen made it to the top of the building after five minutes, he leaned against the pillar to catch his breath. This was the first time he'd ever scaled such a high building. Once his stabilized his breathing he started walking towards the bus. Aside from the rotating helicopter, the roof was silent. No laughter or noise from the villain was heard, nor was the Goblin even present.

"And the green Goblin nowhere to found nice, easy." He yawned without paying attention. The green villain slowly popped out from behind a crate of bricks. He leviated behind Dumen. The Goblin's smile dropped when he realized that Dumen wasn't even aware.

Dumen only noticed he was there once the sound of his glider became audible. He fake Spider-Man tried to jump out of the way, but was snatched up by the Green Goblin. The villain held Domen high above the air, staring deep into the white lenses. "Hmm, same costume. But you took far too long to get up here, AND you didn't even know I was coming. FAKE SPIDER-MAN!"

"Oh pal I'm as real as Spider-Guy gets!" Dumen shouted, before creating a small rope and hitting it against the Goblin's face. Instead of knocking him into immediately and falling over, like Dumen arrogantly hoped, his enemy stared unimpressed.

"Real? Real? REAL?!" Roared Goblin, sending an immediate chill of fear down the spine of Dumen. This jolly emotion from the villain was replaced by complete rage, from being denied what he longed for. "YOU'VE ALL BEEN WASTING MY TIME!"

Goblin harshly tossed Dumen across the building, sending him towards an expected death. The villain shocked the watching crowds when he started flying towards the bus of kids. The children inside began to cry even louder, watching the monster who'd promised to kill them come closer.

"SORRY KIDS, BUT YOU CAN BLAME YOUR CITY FOR TRYING TO TRICK ME!" Goblin screamed, grabbing one of his pumpkin bombs. All over the city those who watched the villain began to scream, now picturing the death of the kids. Instead of blowing up the bus, Goblin tossed the bomb the roof.

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