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Akaashi grabbed the remote laying next to him as he pressed the red button to start it on. Opening Netflix. As it brought him to the accounts of square profiles. He clicked the buttons on the remote to swipe left and down as he clicked the account from the fake blond.

As the main page popped up he stopped looking at everyone as he asked what to watch. They shrugg there shoulders as they look back at him.

Akaashi sighed as he asked the genre of the content there going to watch. Comedy they all said in sinked as they look at each other with wide eyes there eyebrow perking up as a smile grew on there faces bursting into laughter.

As it died down soon Akaashi pressed a button that was going to the left side clicking another that was going downwards. Stopping as he found the selection of the Genre.

He scrolled through as he found what they wanted. He pressed the button as it opened up. Seeing diffrent varieties of series or Movie's.

While the ravenett boy was scrolling through the others where watching the screen as they did diffrent things.

Atsumu was munching on his food while crumbs where falling off his mouth with some sticking to the outer area of his lip.

As Kenma was fiddling with his hands as he did not want to disturb the others with his gaming.

Munching on his Apple pie. As the pudding head boy rested on the couch cushion.

Oikawa crawled towards the ravenett boy as he sneakily laid his head on his lap getting himself comftoble. As Akaashi looked down at his lap seeing the brunette boy.

He stroke with his other hand Oikawas hair tangling his fingers inside them as he softly comed them. The other hand was pressing buttons on the remote to go forward.

Couch sitting ;

Akaashi    Oikawa

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Atsumu Kenma

A couple minutes later they Finally agreeing on Series.


𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓

The four watched all the episodes with laughter and joy. Talking about about what they liked about as they soon died down.

Hey we should play truth or dare
Oikawa suggested as he was in the kitchen taking out bottles of alcohol. Going to the living room as a smirk was on his face shot addition.

As the others looked at each other before looking back at him No. Oh come on it'll be fun Oikawa said as he held the bottols of alcohol.

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