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Atsumu had already aceepted his faith to go out in his new gym clothes and with that in mind they excited out.

The doors closing behind them.

They were greeted with the breez of wind eyes where on them as they walked out.

The wind blowing the fake blondd hair slightly with people staring at him with disbelieved eyes that were practically popping out of their eye sockets with jaws hanging low.

They were so to speak amazed at the sight of him with his fit body on display. Infront of them was complet diffrent person.

Where was the nerd
that they once bullied?

Where was the weak
and helpless nerd?

There minds were filled with endless question as the only one who wasn't to shooked about the matter was the gym teacher Shitte iru . The teacher that knows things, even his name says Knows in Japanese.

Atsumu walks. His head up ignoring the stares, he knew he blew it but didn't care at all. Someday they'll find out He thought. His friends side to side with them snickering at the stares and jaw dropping faces.

They have waited for this for so long.

Author chan = They looked so cool right now ( Let's just appreciate this moment a bit & imagine it...)_______________________

The room was speechless before the gym teacher spoke Well what a nice surprise! he said his voice cheery as ever echoing through the gym before continuing Well let's get to working hop hop!

Clapping his hands as the students began doing the usual workout.

Having to do 5 Laps, 20 Sit ups and 15 push ups. They were soon exhausted by the third lap as sweat drops ran down there faces panting heavily.

While Atsumu and his Friends were already finished doing the rest quickly. The others stared envyesly.

Each time they would move there vains would pop out showing there defined muscles while the others were either druling or just simply angry.

They finished sitting down at the bench as Kenma pulled out his controller, Akaashi taking out his book and glasses, Oikawa stretching himself and Atsumu drinking his water as little droplets slipped out.

They simply looked like descriptions of male leads from romance novels of course gay ones since everyone in the room were boys that wanted at least one of them to step on them.

The others admierd them in jealousy and disbelief of things have changed.

The nerd in school is now a fit boy with a handsome face and to all that surprise they still couldnt help but call him and the others goddesses.

PE was the subject in school that Oikawa, Akaashi, and Kenma were out standing at with there boyfriends of course.

There physical abilities were threw the roof while not only that but all the subjects as well.

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