32 | Pregnant

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Anastasia's POV:

"Bruce Cameron, you put that down!" I chased Bruce around the house as he tries to order a very expensive necklace for me.

My birthday is in two days, and he's been acting like a pregnant lady.

He keeps having mood swings and buying random things.

I know this because I keep getting emails from the account we share stating there has been yet another purchase made.

I didn't look at anything since I wasn't gonna spoil it for me.

But still. He's being so extra. When it was his birthday I didn't get him much, and now he's buying me so much.

"Fine. Give me a kiss and I won't buy it." He finally said closing a deal with me.

I walked closer to him, puckering up my lips.

I pout my lips kissing his cheek firmly, leaving a stain of decently dark nude lipstick on his cheek.

I pull away, he clicks the purchase button and I whine at him.

"You said-."

"I said lips darling. That was my cheek."

"You didn't say anything in specific."

"Well, which dumbass would want a kiss on his cheek, rather than his lips." He laughed

"You, now cancel it." I try to reach for his phone which is in the air, away from my reach.

"Elijah? I think my son is calling me." He smiled giving me a quick kiss and running off with his bare torso on display. I sighed leaning my head up against the wall before taking a seat on the couch.

We've tried for the last 2 days to find Maya's location, but still. Nothing. I'm left in the dark for everything, and all I can do, is trust Bruce knows what he's doing.

I took my phone out of my pocket seeing a message from Claudia. I open the text reading the words she wrote.

Claudia : I'm coming over in an hour, be ready! We're going shopping for your birthday outfit!

Me : I'm not doing anything for my birthday, I don't need a dress.

The bubbles appear on the screen as she responds to my message.

Claudia : Bullshit, we're celebrating. And there is nothing you can do, to stop it. Be there in 30 minutes.

Me : Fine, but nothing too expensive.

Claudia : We'll see when we get there.

I just disliked her message and put my phone in my sweatpants' pocket. I got off the couch walking upstairs, and into my bedroom. Elijah was holding Bruce in a chock hold while laughing his ass off.

"Elijah!" Both of them turn their heads towards me, pretending as if they weren't wrestling two seconds ago.

"What did I tell you two about wrestling on my bed. You'll break it!" I pushed them both off, as they threw glares in my direction.

"Now go downstairs, and start vacuuming the house. I did it last time, so now it's your turn."

"I don't like when mama is bossy."

"Yea, I don't like it when mommy is bossy either." Bruce smirked purposely calling me that nickname. They both laugh, as Elijah clings onto Bruce chest as he held him up from the bed.

"And what will you be doing, while we clean?" He says in the parenting voice. Little does he know, him pretending to parent anyone makes him sound ridiculous.

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