1 | Cheater

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I'd spent almost 2 weeks out of town for a business trip. I was more than happy to finally be able to return home to my beautiful son and amazing fiancé.

We'd been together for roughly 4 years now. We had our son Elijah when I was 18 a little while after we got together.

A couple months ago he proposed to me and I said yes. At the moment we live in a house big enough for 5 people to stay in.

I was happy, my life was complete.

I walked through the airport door and Elijah ran into my arms. I picked him up and threw him in the air with excitement.

"Hi baby, where's dad." I looked around and it was only him and my sister May.

"He said he was busy so he couldn't come." I nodded understanding. We both had our own companies so we were always busy. I was in book publishing while he was in real estate.

He said when we bought a new house he would be the one to find the best fit

"Hey Ana." I smiled and gave me sister a side hug. After me and Isaac got together my sister kept her distance. She always said she didn't want to be the sister who looked like she wanted my boyfrie-fiancé.

We did see each other a lot just not when me and Isaac were together. I respect her for that and no matter what I love her.

"Mama, can we get ice cream on the way back home?" He jumping up and down in my hold.

"Of course we can baby." May grabbed my suitcase and put it in the car while I put Elijah in his seat.

Elijah was a lot brighter than other kids. He could always get full sentences out. I was proud of him. Him being an only child, makes him bored so he'll just make up stories which makes his vocabulary much better

We pulled up at our house once we got Elijah his ice cream. I decided against it since I always get sick after a flight, and having ice cream wouldn't make it better.

"Thank you so much May." I gave her a hug and she pulled into the drive way. Me and Elijah waved bye and I took my suitcase inside of the house. I would invite her inside, but I already knew she was gonna come up with an excuse to why she couldn't stay.

The house was quiet except for some faint noises from upstairs.

I turned the tv on for Elijah and went to follow the noise. As I got closer and closer the noises turned into the... moans. Was Issac watching porn, but those noises they sounded so real. 

I walked into the room without any hesitation and the picture in front of me was so disgusting.

My boyfriend of 4 years on top of this blonde bimbo, who was cuffed to the bed post naked.

"What the fuck Issac." I said. The woman tried to fight the restraint but Issac's attention was on me.

"I leave for 2 week and my fiancé is cheating me." I picked the candle from the night stand and threw it at his head.

He cupped his head from the impact.

"Pack you shit and get the fuck out Issac." I took the ring off my finger and threw that at him as well.

"Baby, baby let me explain." The girl was still on the bed cuffed a fully naked for me to see. He took the blanket to cover himself but I quickly grabbed it from him.

I covered the girl with the blanket so she wasn't just left naked.

"Baby, let me explain."

"Explain what Issac, you're cheating on me. Get your things and get out." I shut the door on his face and went downstairs to main floor to Elijah.

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