Chapter 15: Promises

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(One week later)

Rachelle's POV

So today I'm getting married and everything today has gone wrong.

The officiant couldn't make it, the flowers are dead and Y/N still isn't here.

Natasha: Rachelle calm down. It's gonna be okay.

Rachelle: Okay, okay. None of this is okay. This is supposed to be the best day of my life and get everything has gone wrong.

Natasha: We are gonna fix this.


I've just arrived at the church where Rachelle is getting ready and lucky that Steve called me as I was able to get Anatoly to officiate the wedding as he is liscensed.

When I get inside I see Steve.

Y/N: Who woulda thought you'd make it to the wedding?

Steve: I should have said the same thing about you.

We hug each other.

Y/N: Where is she?

Steve: With Natasha.

Y/N: And Jackson?

Steve: He's around here somewhere.

???: My friend.

I turn and see Anatoly.

Y/N: Ah, Steve this is Anatoly he'll be officiating the wedding.

Steve: Let's get you set up.

Then Anatoly and Steve walk away.

I then walk up the stairs to where Rachelle is and I lean against the door and I see her and Nat talking.

Y/N: You know, it's bad luck to argue on your wedding day.

Rachelle: Y/N, your here.

Y/N: Of course, I wouldn't miss this.

Rachelle: Well it's all ruined.

Y/N: Nat, why don't you go and get in your spot.

Natasha: You sure?

Y/N: Yeah.

Natasha: All right.

Then Natasha leaves the room.

Rachelle: Is this really happening?

Y/N: It is.

Rachelle: It's so surreal.

Y/N: Well, my you get married to my best friend. So, let's go.

Rachelle: I wish mom and dad were here to see this.

Y/N: That's the thing. They are.

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