Chapter 13: Hubris And Strength

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(Present Day)

(One Hour Later)

Wanda's POV

I am now at the docks and I just hope Y/N is right about his son being here.

I start using my magic to look around and then I come across an old warehouse by the docks.

I open the door a crack and I look inside and I am surprised when I see a young boy chained to the floor and while I don't know what Connor looks like I can just assume it's him.

I then start sneaking inside and then when I see the coast is clear I run over to Connor.

Connor: Who are you?

Wanda: My name is Wanda. I'm a friend of your dads.

???: A friend, you say?

I turn and see a man in a leather cloak which I presume is Ra's Al Ghul.

I stand up.

Wanda: Let the boy go.

Ra's Al Ghul: Where are my manners? My name is Ra's Al Ghul. I am well was the leader of the league of assassins. I was in control.

Wanda: Touching story.

Ra's Al Ghul: Touching? No, no, you see. The touching story is Y/N L/N.

Wanda: You don't know anything about him.

Ra's Al Ghul: Don't I though? Born to Sylvia Caldwell and Mark Caldwell, in Russia a fire escalated and they died, Y/N and his Rachelle were found by Nick Fury. Sadly though their brother Jack wasn't. Just another name on the list of people Y/N L/N has caused to suffer.

Wanda: He was a kid. A child.

Ra's Al Ghul: Rightfully so. But tell me, how many more people need to die because of the red arrow? One, two, a hundred. He brings death wherever he goes.

Wanda: He's a hero. He's an...

Ra's Al Ghul: An avenger? So I've heard. Tell me, Wanda? Your obviously not his girlfriend, no, not his sister, so enlighten me, what do you gain out of this whole mess out friend has caused us.

Wanda: Family.

He starts laughing.

Ra's Al Ghul; That's it. Family. God, makes my heart ache.

Wanda: I know what else can too.

Then I use my magic to send him flying across the room.

Then I take the chains off of Connor.

Wanda: Go! Run!

Then Connor runs away.

I stand back up and turn around.

Ra's Al Ghul: You think you've won? That you saved that poor child? That child must go everyday knowing who his father is, who his father turned out to be.

Wanda: Y/N may have made mistakes but ask anyone and they will tell you that he's a hero.

Ra's Al Ghul: Enough talking. Time to end this.

Connors POV

I'm now running away from the warehouse and I start yelling for help but there was no one around.

I then turn the corner and see a woman in black leather.

Talia: Hey you...

Connor: Don't come any closer.

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