Hard day (maya)

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Carina's POV:

I have decided to surprise maya at work today. We've had completely different schedules this week so we've barely seen each other.

I walk into the station and no one is there. They are all out on a call I conclude. So I sit down and reply to some work emails that I've been putting off. After about an hour I hear them arrive.

They walk in and all look completely wiped. Just tired, ash covering most of their faces. I look around and maya hasn't come in.

"Where's maya?" I ask Vic.

"Probably talking with Andy" says Vic letting out a sigh.

"What happened?" I ask.

"I don't know, something" says Vic running a hand through her hand.

I nod and walk out to the trucks to look for maya. I hear voices and follow them until they are louder, I hear arguing. I'm not the kind of person to eves-drop but this seems important. So I listen to them.

Maya's POV:

"Maya you know I had to pull you out of there" says Andy.

"No, I could've saved her, I know that but you pulled me out and now she's dead" I say.

"You could not have made it, that building collapsed probably ten seconds after I pulled you out!" Andy yells.

"She was right there! She was thirty feet from me" I yell.

"Running with the extra weight would've slowed you down so no, you would've died" yells Andy.

"I don't care!" I yell.

"Don't say that" says Andy, "don't say something like that"

"Why, I actually don't care, at least that little girl would've had a chance!" I yell.

"No she wouldn't of had a chance, there was zero chance. And you already had gotten blown into the wall by that explosion, you still have blood on your face!" Yells Andy, "you didn't even go to the hospital."

"Because carina would've freaked, I don't want to put her through this shit! So I didn't go to the hospital, so what I'm not even hurt, I've had worse injuries" I yell.

"I get your mad, but you and I both know that there was no chance, I don't know why you're so mad that you're alive but you need to get whatever is on your shoulders off you because you could've died today and almost did. I don't want to bury my best friend" says Andy calmly.

"I'm tired, I'm tired of being exhausted by so many things, today I could've saved a life and if not then I could've had some peace instead she died and I'm still exhausted" I say.

"You need to talk to someone about this, talk to me, or carina or a therapist but I can't lose you, now you need to get checked out Ben or something, and why was that guy so mad at you at the scene." Says andy.

"About three years ago, it was before carina, I sent a one night stand back to her boyfriend with a lot of hickeys and he was pissed, in my defense she never said she was seeing anyone" I say with a chuckle.

"Well he must hold a grudge" says Andy

"He blames me for making her gay or something" I reply looking down at my hands which are now in fist, my finger nails digging into my palms.

"Do you want to hit something?" Asks Andy.

I nod, "I need a way to let out this rage, and running hasn't been helping like usual, it just makes me mad and tired"

"Here hit me" says Andy.

"Dude I'll kill you if I hit you, is there like a punching bag around here?" I ask.

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