Dreams Only Last For a Night: Chapter 4

Start from the beginning

"Oh sorry I was just thinking," I told her. It was the truth, I was just not saying all of it.

"About what?"

"If I should cancel my spot tonight at the hospital."

When my mother was being treated for breast cancer last year I was around the hospital a lot. I began to become really close friends with all of the nurses and doctors and I really liked having their company. So, when my mom's cancer went away I was, dare I say it, devastated. I had to leave everybody behind and I hated it. When I moved here I immediately signed up for an internship at the hospital because I wanted to make some new friends when I got here. The job was fairly easy all I had to do was run errands, sort papers, and stuff like that. Before she could answer he walked in. He had his head glued to the floor and walked towards the only empty desk.

Right next to me.

He quietly sat down and pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. His hand worked the pen over the paper in patterns that I couldn't make out. I crooked my neck to see what he was drawing but his head was scrunched over the paper so I couldn't see it. His eyes where intently glued to his drawing and he never looked up.

"So that's why you've been zoning out on me."

As she said that the homeroom bell rang and it I turned around to a suspicious Rachel raising her eyebrow at me.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." I said leaning more towards her so Blaine wouldn't know we were talking about him.

"You have been so sketchy and then he," she looked at Blaine then back to me, "walked in and you've been staring at him since he sat down."

"I have not been!

"Whatever Stella. Oh by the way since it’s on my mind...do you want to come to the movies with me and some friends after school today?"

"Who's all going?"

"Just me, Avery, Aiden, Daniel, Camilla, hopefully you, and...well...Blaine."

I really didn't want to have to see Blaine before Monday since I still haven't had my excuse for ignoring him.

Rachel noticed that I had zoned out and was thinking.

"You know you do that a lot. Zoning out I mean. Anyways you better come because I don't want to be the only single one there besides Daniel and knowing him he would probably make a move on me, gross."

Wasn't Blaine single?

"Isn't Blaine?"

"Not since Monday. Him and Camilla got back together after taking a break. It's a shocker really. Nobody thought they would get back together. They both looked really shaken up after the break up."

"Oh. So what's their story?"

“They’ve been dating since freshman year and it’s been nonstop since. They were really close in middle school and everybody teased them saying that they should date and stuff. Blaine finally asked her the first day of freshman year and she gladly accepted. I think that in the beginning their relationship was mostly about lust since they were always going at it. Storage closets, back of the car, at each other’s houses, you name it.” I winced at her last statement and she noticed, but continued anyway. “Then one day I noticed that he was more affectionate towards her and he showed a lot of chivalry towards her and he had this look of a puppy in love. It was rather sad to look at since Camilla didn’t really feel the same towards him. This was the first time that they’ve ever broken up and everybody was shocked. Blaine I think was the most rattled up because you could tell that he was head over heels for Camilla. Camilla looked shaken up, don’t get me wrong, but she wasn’t in love. She might’ve loved him, but not in love. You get what I’m saying?” I shook my head in agreement. “And that all leads up to now.”

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