Dreams Only Last For a Night: Chapter 3

Start from the beginning

I couldn't speak so I just nodded.

Suddenly there was a slight wind that rushed by followed by a sweet perfume. It was probably some girl late for class. Either way I didn't care. As long as I was in Camilla's presence I felt complete.

 She grabbed my hand and there was that same familiar electricity that I felt with somebody else, but couldn't for the life of me remember. That person probably wasn't important to me though.

Only Camilla was.

 We walked towards the hallway thankfully in silence. All I wanted to do was remember all the good times I had with Camilla. I tried my hardest not to remember why we broke up.

How I hurt her, how I crushed her heart.

We stopped in front of the janitor's closet and she pulled me in. She hugged me again while putting her face in my neck and sighed. I put my face in her hair and held her tightly. I remembered how much I missed her then. She pulled away to quickly and I groaned in frustration. She just chuckled and looked at my face. She held up her right hand and placed it on my cheek.

"I missed you," she said.

"I missed you too," I replied. She smiled at my answer and pulled her hand down.

"I want to forget what happened, Blaine. I know you messed up, but not everybody is perfect. I really want to forget the past, so I'm giving you a second chance."

How could she forget what I did to her? She was so sweet to me and all I did was hurt her. She gave me her heart and I did was tear it in pieces. I wanted to forget too, but how could I forget what I did to her...

FLASHBACK: Two weeks ago

"I'm in the front. Hurry up or we will be late," I said to her over the phone.

"Okay, I'll be right there," Camilla said.

I waited in the car for Camilla to come outside. In my boredom I turned the station to an alternative rock station. I was familiar with the song and hummed to it before just singing it out loud.

"It was raining on the sun. The ground beneath my feet was crumbling. Day and Night had come undone. I was the season of my wandering," I sang, "Somehow, somewhere, you found me there. It was the moment-" Camilla walked in and sat in the passenger seat and changed the station to a crappy station filled with mainstream music that had no soul to it.

"Why did you change it?" I said asked.

"Because that song sucks,'' she said.

That was one of the things that I hated about her. She hated ALL of the music I listening to. She says that they are all just sappy singers that whine and make their crappy lives into music.

"Whatever Camilla. It's my car and I'm changing it," I said while changing it back to the alternative rock station. The same song was on, but it was the last line.

"Oceans that I almost drowned in, I had to lose it all, just so I could find out that you were there to break my fall," was softly sung through the speakers and the song ended.

"Well, that sucked. Back to my station," Camilla said icily.

I involuntarily changed the station back to "her" station. Grenade by Bruno Mars blasted through the speakers and she hummed out of tune to it. I actually like this song so it wasn't that bad.

"Easy come, easy go, that's just how you live, oh take, take, take it all but you never give.  Should've known you was trouble from the first kiss, had your eyes wide open. Why where they open?" Bruno sang.

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