Part 16

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Yoongi invited Mari and I over to their place that I never got tired of looking at a few days later so that we could choose which song to choreograph to. He brought his laptop down to the living room and we were all around the coffee table discussing the type of mood we wanted for our piece.

I was definitely a little more closed off towards them both after talking with Joon, but I couldn't let it affect our grade or performance.

"Did you guys want a more melodic type rap, or something a bit harder?" Yoongi asked looking up above his laptop screen.

I leaned forward with my elbows on my knees and scrunched my mouth indecisively. "How hard is hard?"

"Well..." Yoongi began and then furiously typed at his keyboard. "There's this older one I have called 'Give It To Me.' Here, I'll play it."

Yoongi clicked a button and suddenly the sounds of a bell and a violin-like instrument were heard. I was instantly drawn into this song and felt both the bass and lyrics within me.

"Wow, Yoongi, that was so fucking good," I praised with enthusiasm once the song ended.

"Hey, thanks," he smiled.

"I like it a lot, Suga!" Mari said, as well. "But, I think that one might be a little too much for our piece."

I made a long face because I actually was down to use that song, but kept my mouth shut. If she didn't want to, that was okay. I was sure he had others that were just as good.

Yoongi wasn't phased. "Not a problem, I did kinda think that song was a lot," he chuckled. "So we're thinking more melodic and not super intense?"

Mari nodded and I shrugged, not minding either way.

"Okay. I think I got the song for you..." he again rapidly typed away at his laptop. "This one is called 'Moonlight.'"

The sudden mood shift from the first song was very apparent and I, firstly, admired his ability as an artist to have such range and diversity. Then, secondly, I allowed myself to be absorbed into the song itself. It was much smoother and had a very catchy beat that I already was choreographing to in my head. This was definitely the one, and the look on Mari's face told me she felt the same way.

"Suga, this is it! I love it!" She gushed.

"Ayeee," he smirked. "I'm glad! Y/N? What do you think?"

Giving him a large grin, I clapped. "I 100% agree. This is our song. It's amazing—like usual."

He rolled his eyes. "Thank you. I appreciate it, you guys."

Mari suddenly stood up and went to where he was sitting and gave him a tight hug. I blinked a few times, not believing what I was seeing at first. Yoongi was definitely not the type to choose physical affection nor did he give off those vibes, and I definitely didn't peg Mari as the physical type, either.

Yoongi awkwardly stiffened with his hands in the air, unsure of how to proceed. He looked to me for help, but I only shook my head also clueless.

Yoongi patted her back twice before pulling away first with discomfort and a small blush on his cheeks. "Okay, um, I'll just burn this song on a CD and hand it to Y/N at school."

"I can take it, too," Mari said.

"I usually see him in the mornings at school, so it makes more sense for him to give it to me," I quickly countered with a hard tone.

Mari raised both brows. "Oh, alright. That works."

Just then, her phone lit up. "Shoot, sorry, guys, I gotta go."

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