Chapter 21: Fucking hell

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*How TF did you get this number? I changed it a long time ago. Why are you even messaging me?? You've done enough!

I text and hit send

Minutes later I hear a notification DING and see his reply

*Jules, you have me all wrong. I really want to talk and sort this out. Please meet me once!

*Nope. Blocking you now.

Before I could block his number I get a message from him that made me pause what I was doing

*Jules... I'm in front of your door right it, we should talk.

What? He's at my house at this hour?! If my parents find out they'll kill me! I was thinking of endless possibilities and outcomes of every situation I had in mind. The best one to avoid conflict was to meet him on the terrace balcony to my room.

*come upstairs from the stairs behind the house and wait near the garden.

Why did I even send that?!

I go out my door to the terrace balcony and I see him waiting near the stairs. He looked slimmer than he used to be, beard outgrown and not welly maintained, eyes tired, yet the same damn smile when he saw me. Basically he looked a mess.

"Hey.." he said as he approached me for a hug

"The fuck, Mason!!" I sharply say in a whisper as I smacked away his hands.

"What the hell are you doing here and why are you harassing me with messages to meet you when you CLEARLY know I don't want to?!"


"SHUT UP! I swear if you say one more word or even say my name I will slap the shit out of you."

"But please hear me out.."

"NO! what part of NO don't you understand?!"

"Listen to me... I'm here because.."

"I don't give a fucking damn... get the hell outta here or I'll call the cops! I'm done with you. For good! I'm happy with my life, and who I'm with, so stop messing it up or even trying to!"

"Wait what? You're with someone?"

"Oh my fucking god! Yes! I am... now leave!"

"But Jules I came because I want to take you back..."

I froze. What the hell just happened. How can he even say that? Before my mind could process anything and speak, my hand flew up and struck him across the face in the form of a slap.

"Get. Out."

He looks at me, shocked and has no words. He began to leave and I didn't even see him turn around as he walked to his car across the street and drove off.


The next day I got a call from Sharon. Surprise surprise.

"He was just trying to talk to you... why can't you hear him out..?" She said with concern, which I wished were for me instead of him.

"I don't want to hear anything from him, and neither from you since you're clearly taking his side after knowing everything he did. I'm happy with my life Sharon. If you can't understand that and want me to go through hell again, I'm sorry but FUCK NO." I say as I hang up on her.

I didn't answer any calls or texts that day. I realized I hadn't responded to Vijay either later that evening and called him.

"Hey... I'm so sorry I've been MIA lately. A lots been going on." I say when I hear his voice

"J you don't need to be sorry, just wanted to hang out for a bit so had called to check in. Is everything okay?" He asked

"Not really. Mason came to my house last night. Unannounced after leaving a text and calling me about meeting up cause he wanted to talk. Before I could say anything he just showed up. He wants to take me back and I ended up slapping him. Now sharon is calling me and taking his side of this whole damn thing. I told him I was with you, and that I'm happy. He wouldn't even listen." I began choking up.

"Babe.... I'm on my way, we'll talk about this when I'm there okay. Calm down, everything's going to be fine. I'm here for you." He said, and I heard his car engine turn on in the background.

"Okay... I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you. It's just that this triggered a lot of stuff and I'm trying hard to be strong but it's getting harder by the minute." I begin to feel my hands shiver, and sweat. My vision becomes blurry and hazy. Head feels heavy and body felt light. My breathing pace began to increase and I was panicking. I was having a panic attack again....

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