Chapter Two: The Reunion

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Summer had just begun and the end of our semester was approaching that week as our semester exams were almost done. Just one more and I'll have a month break before the final year at college begins.

I was proud of myself because not only was I sure that I'd pass every subject but also that I reached my goal weight and my skin had finally cleared up from all the horrible acne I had to deal with for years.

It was the day of our last exam and I was the first one to leave the classroom. I grabbed my bag and headed out when I heard a voice from behind.

"Julie! Hey!" I turned to see my friend Sharon who had also come out from the classroom next to mine.

Sharon and I had been friends since the tenth grade out we grew closer once we found each other at the same college. She and I had seen each other's worst and best moments in life, and were inseparable.

"You heading home?" She asked

"Yeah I'm so hungry though, was thinking to stop by someplace to grab something to eat. Wanna come with?"

"Definitely a yes!" She rubs her stomach in relief, indicating she was hungry too.

We were on the way to a McDonald's which was on the way home, when both our phones chimed at the same time. We got unread messages in our school group on messenger.

This group had EVERYONE we went to school with. Especially people we spent grade 10 with. Sharon and I were in the group (obviously) and we read the message together.

"Attention classmates: As it's been years since we have all caught up with each other or annoyed the crap out of one another, some of us decided to arrange a reunion of our class this Friday at Nirvana for lunch. Whoever wants to join, please RSVP in this group right now!"

She and I looked at each other and let out a scream of excitement. We missed our friends and never got a chance to meet up even though we all were in the same city. This was a great opportunity and a much deserved break from everything chaotic.

"We should go together and definitely should not wear the same color." She exclaims while replying in the group that she and I were coming as we placed our order and waited.

"Sure." I roll my eyes and chuckle and saw someone else reply in the group.

**Finally! Y'all decided to do this! What made you suddenly think of this idea??"

**Well, all of us are in the same city, many of us residing out of city, state or country are here now so we thought, why not?"

**"who is back in town?"

**"Scott, Sasha and Mason.."

**"Oh my godddd MASON IS HERE?!"

**"yeah! I know right!"

I scrunched my eyebrows, I knew who Scott and Sasha were. They both went to Australia for their bachelors degree and both of them were in our class. But who is this Mason?

"Hey Shar, who's Mason?" I asked out of curiosity as she brought the tray with our food.

"Oh wow, you don't know who Mason is?" She paused and said "Oh yeah how would you know! He transferred out when you moved here in 9th grade. He's cool, actually we were best buds growing up." She said with a smile

"Oh...Cool." I said as I gorged on some fries

I had moved to New Jersey when I was in the 9th grade from North Carolina, since my dad got transferred here. Ever since then I've never left!

"Can't wait to meet everyone, it's been what? Four years?"

"Shit! Yeah it has! Good thing we look finer than we used to." She laughs as she flips her hair back

"Yeah sure." I nod in sarcasm.

She and I both were a little overweight and had severe acne back then which luckily cleared up now, and thanks to her cousin, we learnt a few tricks in makeup and clothing to feel confident and content enough to attend this reunion. Especially to see those faces that mocked every ounce of us during our high school years.

Can't wait!

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