I sat back down and leaned against the column. "Get up you and I have business to do" Christine said as she pulled out two sharp knives pointing them at me.

"Move it or baby girl here gets shot straight in the head" she hissed. I got up and walked in whatever direction she leaded me in.

Kevin's POV

I watched as Fangs was having a whole panic attack. I reached out and made him sit down on the floor and lay against me.

"Look at me babe" I whispered and he turned to me breathing shakily and roughly.

"What's the color of my hair" I asked as I rubbed his face in a gentle manner. "B-b-black" he struggled to say. "Color of my eyes?". "B-b-brown" he struggled again.

I knew it would take a while for him to start speaking properly and for his breathing rate to be normal.

"How many kids do I want and why". He breathed in and out harshly before answering the best he could. "4 a-adopted kids so i-it's an even amount o-of b-b-boys and girls. Two young babies and two preteens....with a big house so we can give them a home they deserve" he said.

"Favorite animals?". "D-dogs, horses, a-and tigers" he stuttered.

I placed his hand on my chest and breathed in and out slowly. "Follow me babe okay" I said as I kept my other hand on his face to caress it. I smiled as I saw him gaining his normal breath rate again.

"Do I seem blurry or sound blurry to you my love" I asked him since that usually happens when he's having a panic attack. He shook his head no and then the sound of loud clapping interrupted us.

"So happy you could calm him down. Now step away from each other and I'll come down to you Fangs. Wouldn't want anyone getting hurt now would we". Joaquin climbed down the ladder and jumped down, turning around with a gun he was waving in the air.

"Why should we separate for you" I asked and his smile widened.

"Oh Kevin we all know I never needed you I just needed your little boyfriend here. All the good times we had back then right Fangs".

We both looked at Fangs who looked angry and hurt. "Those were far from good times".

"Now let's go, we have somewhere to be" Joaquin said as he gripped Fangs' arm and pulled him towards the door to exit the barn. I tried going forward but Joaquin shot at the ground where my next step would be.

"Next time I'll make sure it will hit" he said and they both left.

I was going to go after him but then two big dudes came out of nowhere with big guns in their hands. They dragged me to a pole and tied my hands behind my back and handcuffed them and then tied my hands and legs with ropes too.

I rolled my eyes and leaned my head back against the pole. I knew I was going to be here for a while, so might as well get some sleep.

Dinah's POV

A few minutes ago, Normani and Camila broke out into a fight. Normani was obviously winning. I mean everybody knows she has hands and won't hesitate to throw them at anybody.

Anyways, Normani was winning until Camila threw a foul one and stabbed Normani twice. Once in the leg and twice in her stomach. I was holding Normani in my arms as I tried to stop the bleeding.

"Hi babe" I said with a smile trying to keep the vibe happy. "Everything's blurry Dinah" she slurred and I held her face in my hand. She reached to touch my hand and I slightly jumped at her cold hands.

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