Chapter 8 | Trapped

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*some depictions are probably historically inaccurate* 

The trip to the manor was the silent processing time after the traumatizing event. The demon herself was fast asleep and blindfolded. But all of them realized the affectionate way William was stroking her head. His eyes had a dangerous glint that seemed to shine brighter under the moonlight. Nobody said anything.

The trip to the London manor was a good forty minutes of awkward silence since it was located on the outskirts of the city. William had opened the window, and pulled the ribbon out of Louise's hair, undoing her braid and letting the loose strands flutter in the wind. Bond watched nostalgically, as the doll-like woman swayed on a handsome man's lap.

They silently entered the manor. Albert worriedly eyed the disheveled crew until he saw 'Isabella' unconscious in William's firm grip and Von Herder slouched over Moran's shoulder.

"What on earth-," he started before Louis rushed to his side and explained everything.

Everyone rushed in to help Von Herder, and silently William carried Louise upstairs into his own bedroom.

He softly laid her onto his bed. Eyeing how her ankles and wrists were still promptly tied together, the scene evoked a foreign feeling in his chest.

"This is not good..." he mumbled to himself.

He decided to take off her bloodied blouse first. With a throbbing heart, he undid the buttons. It was a different atmosphere than the steamy library with no window. It felt more forbidden than ever.

He heard her breath slightly as he slid the blouse off her shoulders and froze. Quickly he grabbed her by the wrists and tied her hands to the bedframe. His heart was now pounding, as the blood circulated towards his brain, he calculated every step he would take, observed every crease in her perfect body.

"You tempt me, my love," he whispered underneath his breath, putting a hand over his mouth. Feeling hot, he threw off his coat and his vest, leaving him only with a dress shirt unbuttoned near his chest. The makeshift blindfold around her eyes made her look so vulnerable, it triggered something deep within him. He felt like a terrible person, raving over her body without her consent, but this something - it was different.

It was like loathing and anger, dark and sinister. It slowly brought out the psychopath inside of him.

Two knocks at the door. "Yes?" William had to calm himself down before he replied.

"Do you need anything brother?" Louis peeked into the room. The bed canopy was closed at the sides, so Louis could not see her directly, but he knew that she was in there. In fact, he was quite scared as his brother never looked so disheveled and dangerous in front of him before. The red in his eyes was almost demonic and betrayed the usual kindness they held.

"Ah yes," he said and pondered for a bit, "can you get me several things?"

"Of course."

"Can you get me... some water, whiskey - two glasses each - a nightgown, two robes..." after some more thinking he spoke up, "some towels - it can be cloth - I don't mind, and yes some rope, the type that resists abrasion and... could you also bring me the face mask from earlier"

Louis shivered, but refused to say anything besides, "of course."

Everything was promptly brought to the room, except for one thing where William almost lost it. Wrapped in one of the towels was a whip, William gritted his teeth. It was probably Moran. He picked it up and inspected it, realizing it was an unused one - but for horses and put it down. Taking the finer rope, he retied her delicate hands, each wrist to the ends of the bed frame, wrapping the rope around the poles for safety. He decided not to do anything with the blindfold. He also asked himself why he demanded all of the other things he requested to be brought.

William put on the mask and dragged the armchair to the center of the room in front of the queen-sized bed. Then he sat down, folded his hands together, and sat there silently. Then he checked his watch. Eleven thirty-two pm.

He had no idea what he was going to do next. She was tied up, blindfolded, and powerless; the sensation was suffocating for William who had never in his life done anything so risky. He had observed from the way she fought, that she herself did not possess much power, but her technique and agility made her a dangerous opponent. He could overpower her, but if she got the chance, she probably could throw him over. That was why he needed her strapped tightly to the bed. Just in case.

He decided to wait, until she woke up, even if it were to take her all night.

Two twenty-eight am. William had been absorbed in his thoughts for the past few hours, but now he was bored beyond his mind. He wanted to see her in a different pose, from a different angle. But the fixed view from the armchair in front of the bed limited his imagination in every possible way no matter how shirtless and seductive she looked. 

Then it hit him. She had pulled the ax from beneath her skirt, but he did not check if anything else was there. A random justification from his brain toxified by the whiskey, he mindlessly walked towards her and grasped the edge of her long skirt. He could feel the shape of her legs underneath the fabric.

Slowly he slid his arm underneath the skirt, running his hands over her skin. Click. He heard a sound, it was a thigh belt with an embedded dagger. Sliding her entire skirt up and exposing her legs, he removed the knife. Then he stroked her leg gently and lovingly.  He'd beheld the sight before, but nothing would compare to the guiltily-pleasuring feel that was provoked by the prohibited way he was touching her while she was unconscious. 

He finally breathed as he stepped back. "You're beautiful Louise," he smiled under the whisper. 

Returning towards the desk, he eyed the whip again. Stroking the leather handle, not knowing what to do with it, for the first time in his life, he cracked the whip against his cushioned chair.

This caused her to flinch. The bedding shifted slightly, and the scruffled noise reached William's ears. He turned around. No light reached his eyes and he slowly walked back towards the bed. 

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