Chapter 5 | Devil's Identity

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"The problem is where," William continued. 

"Mr. William," Fred suddenly spoke up. "Can you please tell us who took Moran first?" 

"Ah yes," William said slowly, "Her name is Isabella Louise Marcelle." 

Louis shivered. "The lady you were with that day..." 

Something that Louis had noticed was that most criminals had this distinct look to them. Especially, evil entitled nobles. As if any other creature on the earth is inferior. However, there were people like his older brothers Albert and William - it was something he tried to mimic - who dirtied their hands without batting an eye. 

That woman was one of them. If his brother had to spend the whole day checking, then she must be the real deal. 

"Yes..." William mumbled, "She's wonderful isn't she?" He gave a short laugh. Everybody looked at him with utter astonishment. 

"I doubt you would be saying the same thing once we see what kind of condition Moran's in," Bond interrupted. 

If anybody cared about Moran, it was his partner, Bond. 

And this was the first time, everybody except William was serious. 

"Hmmm, but the way she murdered Count Robinson," he lowered his tone, "there was a lot of joy involved with the murder." 

William paused again for a few seconds, "I think she is just like us," He smiled. 

The amount of confidence in his tone was enough to everyone in the room at ease. However, then William positioned himself in his usual thinking post. Hoisting his chin on his hand crossing his other hand over his elbow. They watched him physically boost his thinking. 

"She leaves for London tonight," William spoke, "she told me personally. So the best would be to visit her mansion right after she leaves." 

Then it was set. They would rescue Moran that very night. 




Silence filled the pitch-black carriage that was headed - not to the Marcelle manor - but a higher area that overlooked the front gates of the target manor.  

"I'd like you all to be careful of several things. First off, the ravens. I'm aware that she uses these ravens as an alarm system to alert her of people within the vicinity. Once you hear an alarming cry, it's a race with time." 

Everyone nodded nervously. 

"Second thing: we will not kill anybody in the mansion. That is a strict order. Nock them out. I'm very aware she's not a detective type. She is deductive, however, she will not see straight through our ulterior motives like our dear Sherlock." 

Everyone nodded again. 

"Third thing, our priority is rescuing Moran. I will be looking around for clues into what she is really like. Collect any pieces of evidence, gather samples of the weaponry Isabella uses."

William decided to keep the special way he called her a secret. To other people, she was Isabella. 

The sun was setting fast. The Lord of Crime positioned himself on the target area. In front of the Marcelle mansion was a carriage. Several maids and a man who appeared to be a butler was carrying luggage into the trunk. 

William gazed through a pair of binoculars. 

A middle-aged man with graying hair stepped out of the manor. He was followed by Isabella who looked divine. William recognized that he was literally spying on her. It was inevitable, this was going to happen whether she was a criminal or not. She was wearing a pastel blue dress that hugged her waist tightly. The dress pushed up her breasts, almost seductively. She was crowned with jewels. William instantly deduced: she was going to a party, and her father would be using her to impress other nobles. Isabella made a face when Count Marcelle spoke to her. William read his lips, "I'd like you to do the usual," then he smiled, "make me proud, sweetheart." 

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