Author's Note

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Thank you so much for reading Devilish | Moriarty the Patriot!!

I didn't realize it would take me so long to finish a 20-chapter story and I am forever grateful for all the readers who stumbled upon my writing and continued reading! I was going for William being a hyper-manipulative guy who would entice Louise into becoming his lover (hence the misleading description and cover smh) but the femme fatale archetype really grew on me. Then again I realized it would be nice if my OC character had many layers and wasn't just badass all the time, she's human too and she has flaws from her scars. Oh, how to be hot like Louise... 

However, ehem, I had to laugh at how different the outcome was compared to the original plan, seriously, I wasn't planning to write my first smut chapter 👀👀

I'd really love to hear some feedback from my readers!  Anyways anyways, I really hope you all enjoyed this MTP fanfic!

Love y'all 3000. Until next time!

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