Chapter 6 | Deadly Princess

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*Warning: mentions of murder*

They walked out of the basement floor with quick steps. 

Isabella's 'sister' still stood outside in the hallway, waiting for something to happen while chewing on her thumbnail. She jumped when she saw them pop out of the secret door. 

Moran was still groggy from the sedative so he was hanging onto Louis and Bond's shoulders while they practically dragged him up the stairs. Isabella's sister - who William internally decided to call Anne - looked at Moran, horrified. 

They decided to ignore her. 

"Wait!" she shouted at them, clasping her hands. "Take me with you." she whimpered. 

William thought she was foolish. Just because she helped them, did not mean that any criminal wouldn't lay a finger on her. A delusion that she would be useful enough for them to recruit her. He disliked her naivety. William would've been able to find the secret door - which was behind the cupboard in the kitchen - in the matter of a few minutes anyways. 

Who he wanted was Louise, and he sought to learn absolutely everything about her. 

The other looked at him for any sign of approval or disapproval. William simply waved his hand to brush away her comment and then left the manor. This left a heartbroken Anne, sobbing on the floor. 

"Please..." she kept on crying, but William didn't even flinch. 


Silence filled the carriage heading back to the Moriarty mansion. Moran immediately fell asleep from the gentle sway of the vehicle. 

William was going through her notes one more time in his head - all one-hundred and ninety-six pages. Specifically, he was thinking about the notes and newspaper cutouts of the very last page. 'Earl John Harrison'. It was titled. 'Guilty of smuggling opium and young girls aged 7-15 into prostitution. Embezzling money from a chain of orphanages. Punishment: death by drowning.' She wrote in her beautiful handwriting. Oddly, the planned date written on that page was the evening of the next day. Which was why she left for London with her family. There was also another side note. 

Visit V.H. for a new batch of tranquilizer guns. Trade commission for originally concocted Belladonna poison. Prepare formula beforehand. 

William was skeptical of the two very familiar initials that he saw. 

"Louis, can I see the pistol?" he broke the silence and reached his hand out towards his younger brother who still looked quite shaken from the whole scenario with the crazed sister. Louis held a soft spot for vulnerable women and he knew it. 

Louis handed him the eerily tinkered intricate design of the pistol. William began taking it apart on his lap. He put on his gloves again and emptied the barrel to find two bullets, which were coated with some sort of serum - obviously poisonous. He continued to fiddle with it until he heard a click. 

Moran woke up to the sound. Everybody in the car knew this sound by heart. 

The noise canceller slid out of the pistol's interior. 

"I knew it," Moran mumbled, "She shot me with that thing, my world went faint, and then she ended my consciousness with a blow to the head with the butt of the gun." 

"We definitely didn't hear the gunshot." Bond confirmed.

"Von Herder, that bastard." Moran gritted his teeth, "selling his pretty little guns to other criminals like they're petty little commodities. Where the fuck do his loyalties lie huh?" 

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